UCLA Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion

she said they just kept repeating “it will go throughout the whole summer” ugh

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this is just great lol

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The difficult part is we need to respond to the waitlist within 2 days of being notified. It would be nice to just to forget about it, but since we have to babysit our inboxes, the whole process makes us neurotic.


i thought i read somewhere that freshman waitlist decisions come between may 1 and june 1?

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My daughter’s waitlist letter clearly said May 1-June 31. (She’s a freshman applicant.)


guys i think this july talk is just so they’re preparing us for the worst… i think it’ll come out before then. my friend’s sister is from UCLA and heard that it’s tomorrow but it could be false.


I’ve kind of a ghost on this thread so far, but to everyone anxiously waiting for ucla waitlist decisions like me: Everything is going to be ok! It might not feel like it at times, but we will be just fine no matter what :))

thank you for joining my ted talk


Honestly if UCLA had spots, they would 100% want to notify ppl on the waitlist as soon as possible. The yield looks to be pretty high this year and unfortunately the chances of anyone getting off seems to be slim to none.

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Everyone remember that these AOs are scripted; ucla obviously knew there would be questions about their yield when they opened today so they were obviously told to just give us generic and unhelpful information. They could get in trouble for telling us more than that. Even if they were releasing a wave of waitlist decisions in a few hours, they wouldn’t tell us.


Why do they want to hide that information

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Agreed, makes no sense for them to sit on offers any longer than necessary. If anything substantial is going to happen it will be soon (tonight/tomorrow).

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If they started giving out real info on the phone, their phones would never stop ringing. Better for them to just say to watch the portal and be vague.


Could it be because they are taking longer to review them? do you think they read all of them before coming to a decision on who to take off the waitlist or is it random order?


Yeah that makes sense

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According to the AO I spoke to they read all the waitlist letters before selecting people so LS has a lot of applicants to read through


i feel like a part of it is that they had so many applications to read so EVERYTHING got delayed. the rd decision date was delayed. the transfer decision date was delayed. so i bet the waitlist decision was also delayed. they also have A LOT more waitlist applicants to read so i think they’re just taking longer.


My daughter just declined her place at UCLA, it was a tough decision but I hope this opens up a spot for one of you on this thread!


I’m new to this thread so sorry if this has been answered already, but historically, has LS been the school with the most students admitted off the waitlist? Or does it vary


thank you and good luck to ur daughter!


Yes. Generally it is “easier” to get off if you are L&S and OOS since they have the lowest yield rate, according to previous trends.