UCLA Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion

No use in that! The fact that we were waitlisted rather than rejected just shows that ucla already sees our potential. If they don’t accept us, it’s their loss!


It seems kinda odd to me that they say they’re reading through applications when they had thousands and thousands of waitlist applicants last year but still managed to start releasing some acceptances by April 20th. Most schools want to get their acceptances out ASAP and UCSB probably waitlisted a similar number to UCLA and has already begun releasing acceptances. Yield was probably pretty high this year.

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UCSB does not offer an option to include a LOCI. UCSB also had a 96% Waitlist acceptance last year. Also the first wave last year came on April 28th not April 20th. However this year transfer came out April 28th so that probably further delayed the waitlist.


they waitlisted even more people this year because they were unsure if the circumstances were going to be like last year where a lot of people took gap years. they didn’t release any acceptances on April 20th but April 28th… yes, yield may be high this year but there’s no way to guess and start assuming right now. as the commenter above me said, UCSB does not have a LOCI and they are less selective in general. i wouldn’t be stressing and trying to guess what’s happening so much i I were you. Just play the waiting game. it will all play out in the end.

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I agree the delay is a bit odd, but I think the reasons for it go beyond just the yield rate—someone mentioned a couple of days ago that housing capacity/CA’s COVID guidelines could influence the delay, amongst several other factors. It’s been a tiring year but hopefully our hard work will be rewarded in the end.


It was a long year on the other side of the desk too. I wonder if admissions are waiting for ivys to start the next wave, taking a relative breather, and/or digging in on apps they didn’t have adequate time to thoroughly review. The UCSB AO has been vocal about how rushed app review was with the quantity.


I am also on the UCI, UCSB, UCD portals, mainly interested in L&S CS for my in-state waitlisted son. There are no movements anywhere. Is it possible that all the UCs will coordinate and send the wave(s) together, so that if someone has to accept, it will be a one time deal for all the UCs - this will make it more efficient for them and us. I’m pretty sure (after talking to some in-state and international folks) that lots of people did not send SIR to UCD and UCSC, and not having any movements there make me think this.


The slow down in posting makes me think a lot of us have moved on or given up hope.
Anyone still hoping for news that is good?


Don’t lose hope, you got this! Decision letters are yet to come :slight_smile:


I want to get into UCLA over the waitlist for sure, but I don’t think obsessing over my waitlist is a good idea.


There’s nothing to post about. All the news coming now are all old news.


that is very true


I know that acceptances off the waitlist are largely based on overall yield, but is it also based on the number of students from your individual high school who accepted their offers of admission as well?


I don’t think so.

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It’s not actually. The AO stated that the school you attend won’t influence the waitlist process unless it’s regarding the amount of resources your school has

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I shared on the Cal site as well that I am sorry to say that I have a very credible source that said the UCs hit their targets this year and there will be very little waitlist activity. I know it may be disappointing but it is better to have this information so you can move forward. Good luck!

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I get a sad feeling that all top universities this year follow the similar pattern …


do you have a link for the source?

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I doubt there is a link. I am sure someone in the know told her verbally.

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Exactly. I work at a UC.