UCLA Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion

I went 6000/7000

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If you’re writing over 600 words (not including the grade update), you’re honestly hurting your chances. They don’t want your entire life summary since December, they just want the highlights.


I wrote down new accomplishments and bullet pointed more clarification on my ecs

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I had a lot of major accomplishments to write about. I didn’t think I would even be writing about them but I’ve been up to a lot since I sent in my initial application.


i heard it’s overwhelming to write a lot so i just wanted to know what others did haha. i summed up the events i did to combat hate against asian americans and even included a link of an interview i had with fox news. even after i just explained why i fit at ucla and what i could do for them.

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 if the first wave was this small, the next “waves” are going to be even smaller for IS applicants at least

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Or it could be that these waves are small because they don’t want to admit everyone they’re planning to admit all at once. Maybe they just want more waves as opposed to fewer.


Why would they want to wait to admit students? Schools want their classes finalized ASAP. The small wave is very telling of the amount of waitlist movement


Very well said. The way we need the schools, the schools also earnestly need to fill up the spaces. If students have progressed/oriented deep into some other school, then they may be reluctant to accept the WL spot. Last year, Berkeley did some mistake and there were 800 vacant seats at the end - costing UCB more than $55 million. I do not see any movement even in UCI, UCD and UCSB. I am quite sure after talking to some international folks (in the OOS school where my son committed for CS), that a lot of international folks have not SIR-ed at UCI, UCSC and UCD - because of high CA cost of living, and not a top ranking CS school. UCSC already had a wave on Friday. So definitely there will be some wave everywhere - just need to have patience.


I’m not disagreeing that space is limited. However past trends show that they admit from the waitlist in multiple waves, with the first few being of similar size. If they truly didn’t wait to admit everyone then there would be no need to spread it out the way they have in the past.


Hopefully the waves are bigger if they come out next werk


There is still some uncertainty about what will happen next year so maybe they are all still waiting for real resolution for what next year will look like

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yeah i think you’re right. they probably want to keep waiting to see what next year will look like before making any definitive decisions.

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Honestly they were very eager to let students in last year with heavy uncertainty. Also, they’re prioritizing freshman and sophomores for in person learning next year. I think it’s important to stay optimistic but it just looks like there are less spots available.


Last year was an exception. From my son’s school someone was waitlisted in 5 UCS, and got off the waitlist in 4. Even if 50% of last year’s effect happens, many can get in.

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UCI, UCD and UCSC may not be top ranked CS programs, though UCI is 25 by US News, they are still tremendous programs and opportunities to establish yourself close to high tech hubs. I am just saying.

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Agree with UCI being a top school with CA tech hubs proximity. But when I talked to some international folks, they prefer going to some other school at the same rank outside CA, mainly because of CA’s high cost of living. They don’t value the great weather to that extent (over the cost difference). For the same reason (and since the economy is still not at 100%), even a OOS student may prefer some other state over CA.

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Anyone here submit their waitlist essay yet?

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shouldnt we done that before April 15


I’m sure he meant for transfer app

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