UCLA Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion

check your submitted application on UC apply

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This year? In state?

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Does anyone know if the UCLA waitlist is based on school or by region?


About how many people get off for CS? And are a lot of people waitlisted for CS?

Thank you!

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See 10s4life’s comments above on this. It seems bleak for CS folks. Let’s hope things have changed this year. My son, 3 of 400 in his class, with his 12 APs (almost all 5s) and 4 CC math classes is waiting for UCLA and GT for CS. I Told him that B he got in English would be his doom. Thankfully he’s in at UCI for CS already and also at UW for engineering. What a way for hard working young people to end their high school lives. Too much stress.

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Does anyone know how long, if waitlist clears, the student has to accept the offer? I am also curious if there is a certain point in time where there is no more chance to get in…is there a date or do they tell you “it’s not going to happen, waitlist over?”.

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Those are great options for your son. And unfortunately that prob made it the difference for your son. The median UW gpa for CS is a 4.0


From our experience two years ago, if admitted from the waitlist you have 4 days to accept the offer.

Waitlisted students who are not admitted should be notified when waitlist admissions are over. In 2019, that was in mid-June. In 2020, it didn’t happen until late August.


when will they start releasing decisions? can it be in april?

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Yes only for OOS kids. Some people are speculating as early as next Tuesday.

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could it be for internationals also or only oos?

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I think it depends on the situation because I know a couple of people that already got in and they’re in state.

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did they get into the engineering school? I heard they re the only ones that have released

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Will the students get notified by email about the waitlist result?

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If you are admitted, you receive an email saying there was a decision update to your application. You are instructed to log in to view the decision. I’m not sure how the notification works when the waitlist admissions end, but I think that is also an email, although some people say they never received the email and had to check their portal.

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@amac514 Oops sorry, earlier I said that you have 2 days to respond to a waitlist admission, but I just found the email and it was 4 days. I corrected my response above.

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Is it safe to assume the first wave for oos/international will be this tuesday?

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Last year I believe OOS/international were released April 30 so I don’t think it will be this Tuesday.

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