UCLA Fall 2019 Transfer Thread


More to the point, image links are not allowed on this site, nor are posts in the vein of “PM me with the link.”

One can choose to believe or one can choose to disbelieve. Or you can call/email them yourselves. Those options are open to all. Good luck.

They they only talked to me about their majors pre reqs. Most places need you to finish English atleast the fall before admittance. If you can’t prove that you know how to write, read, critically analyze text, etc. schools can’t trust that you are really ready for your proposed major.

@bksyazd Thanks! Good luck in getting into UCLA.

The acceptance rate for “Global studies” is way higher than “Business Economics” but did you complete most if not all the prereqs?

@sagaciousforever I remember you or someone similar said in haas thread that they haven’t finished the second English requirement? maybe it wasn’t you but yeah who knows.

any other communication majors? :blush:

@AeroDE Yeah that’s me. I did not get an interview for HAAS though.

I should have gotten an interview request with my GPA and school background.

@sagaciousforever RIP…anyways hope you will get some good news…
Best of luck!

@AeroDE Don’t draw a conclusion so early though. I have asked many others recently and seems like it’s a RIP for UCB and UCLA, but I still have a shot for UCSD and UCI as they are more lenient on prereqs. It is still possible for me to get into those two schools. We will see what happens soon.

I am in the 3.7 to 3.8 range from a 4-year private university so they would consider me in a different transfer application pool separating from the CC. Getting a 3.7-3.8ish GPA in a top 50 schools is significantly harder than CC so I hope that they take this into consideration.

Anyways, my main focus in on USC and Emory now. Wish you the best of luck as well!

@sagaciousforever yeah, I wanna see what happens too and we all know about pre-reqs and stuff. Hopefully, it will work for you.
and Thanks!

@bksyazd I think your statics are relatively competitive. If you don’t mind may I ask why you think you can’t get in for biz econ major? But global studies is a great major too! Wish you the best!


You’re best shot at this point is USC. Hopefully, you get admitted as I can see you really want to transfer to these universities.


My thoughts exactly. UCLA and UC Berkeley are both great universities and getting into either are fantastic. The discrepancies between rankings comparing the two are so small and insignificant, especially at the undergraduate level. Cal is close to my home and accommodates my current situation which is why I prefer to go there instead of UCLA. If I lived in Socal then yeah, my preferred school would be UCLA.

Currently, my #1 pick is Berkeley, #2 is UCLA, #3 is USC.

@bruins8clap Bruh, I take a nap and now I see ya’ll made like 50 posts lol, I had to take 13 minutes to check these all out haha.

@GoodAfternoonSir what can I say…this site is addicting lol.

I just watched the escape room. Decent movie 7/10.

and yeah @sagaciousforever We gonna be rivals if u go to USC and myself and @GoodAfternoonSir and @8CLAP4SUP go to UCLA.

@bruins8clap by the way, I find it interesting your name represents UCLA, but your pic represents Berkeley. The best of both worlds eh? lol

We should definitely meet up if we both choose to attend the same university. You seem like a pretty cool guy


Just trying to bring good luck to both schools lol.

And i’m down bro. You seem cool as well.

@GoodAfternoonSir Thanks! I hope that you will get into UCB and UCLA! If not, USC will also be nice.

My highest chance of getting accepted now is USC follow by Emory, UCSD, and UCI. For some reasons, I have an instinct that I will get into UCSD but not UCI. I have heard from so many people that UCSD is not as strict on missing pre-reqs compared to other UCs. UCI might be stricter so that will lessen my chance of admission.

This may seem like a dumb question but I’m starting to get paranoid about getting in. I applied as a biology major with my alternate major being neuroscience. That being said, I have completed all of the mandatory pre-reqs and only one of the two strongly recommended pre-reqs, ochem 2 (I have also taken the lab with it). I have not taken calculus-based physics yet. Do you think that it could potentially hurt my chances of getting admitted?

@bruins8clap I watched “Escape Room” twice in the cinema since I have AMC A-List. It’s a good movie.

@bruins8clap @sagaciousforever

I’m planning on going to the theatres tonight to escape the stressful situation I’m in lol. I was thinking about watching either Dumbo or Shazam. Which one do you guys think I should watch lol

@sagaciousforever All jokes aside, I think you’ve got a great GPA. Especially considering that 4 years are usually more difficult than CC’s, I don’t see why USC wouldn’t think you belong there.

@GoodAfternoonSir I was telling @bruins8clap that we should link up together on Transfer day if luck is on our side in a week or two!

@GoodAfternoonSir Shazam for sure. I watched it last week. It is a little bit childish and the plot needs some improvement/adjustment, but overall it’s an entertaining movie to watch. It will make you laugh a lot.