@GoodAfternoonSir I hope so! Thanks for your words and I am gonna post the decision for every school that I’ve applied when they come out.
It all depends on if they see me as a good fit. I am low on transferable units so that could be a disadvantage. Also, my GPA is not that competitive. (3.62-3.48-3.94) which gives me a cumulative of 3.71.
In addition, I have two Ws. You may think that I am crazy but I dropped those two classes because I might get a B or a B+. I was nowhere close to failing. I retook them in my sophomore year Fall and got “A” for both.
I wonder if Berkeley or UCLA will not like the fact that i’ve enrolled in 5 colleges throught these two years. I’m currently enrolled in 4 different colleges lmao, they’ll be like what am I doing!?
@GoodAfternoonSir lol nah it shows initiative and that you’re going out your way to get the courses you need. I am at 3 cc colleges
@GoodAfternoonSir @sagaciousforever
You guys are funny. I haven’t been to a theater in probably over a year. I bootleg everything lol. But I definitely will go to the theater for Avengers Endgame.
@GoodAfternoonSir I don’t think that matters as well as long as you have enough transferable units and a strong cumulative GPA.
I try to be hehe.
Oh yeah, Avengers Endgame of course!
I can’t wait to see what happens to the team. Tony, Thor, and Cap’s contracts expire this year I believe so anyone could die lol.
Honestly, the only “sane” reason I would even want UCLA to release decisions later than usual is that I would picture myself in a situation where before the movie starts then I get notified that i’m admitted then I would scream like a banshee in the theatre haha.
@bruins8clap It’s good to get personal a bit to alleviate everyone’s stress. I got the ticket for Endgame two days ago and I will watch it on April 29th since all the good seats are taken for earlier showtimes.
I am taking the SAT again on May 4th just to see how much I have improved since college. Also, I want to keep myself focused, busy (some preps), and fulfilled when I get a better score.
Literally, the moment tickets were on sale (I got notified on my phone), then I immediately purchased tickets for the 25th, don’t worry I promise I will NOT post spoilers for you bros. 
Nice, I’m planning on taking the LSAT in November, provided I’m confident I’ve studied enough to get a great score. I’ll be shooting for the Ivy’s depending on my academic performance at the 4 year I’ve chosen. Getting into Cal or UCLA would allow me to connect with law professors too. If I get a recommendation from them, it would be a first-class ticket to Berkeley Law or UCLA Law haha. After all, when the faculty members of the college you would like to be admitted has sent you a recommendation, then it’s a surefire way to get in for sure!
So you’re telling me if I tried to buy a ticket during midnight release I would not be able to? Lol.
I live in Temecula
Going to drive to Mcdonalds to get a M&M Mcflurry.
@bruins8clap well there’s been news that several websites have crashed due to so many people ordering tickets for the movie online.
I think you could still get a ticket, but probably not in the seat of your choice. I always like to sit in Row D or E in the middle so I can get the perfect position haha
I attended 4 community colleges throughout my time at CCs. I had to do it because I had to find pre-req classes that fit my work schedule as I had to work full-time.
some of you have been playing red dead or league to get your mind off of admissions but I’ve been playing fortnite lmao
@8CLAP4SUP I’ve been playing lets go pikachu and smash yeah ik late on nintendo switch lol
@8CLAP4SUP Bro I stopped playing the second day I started fortnite because I suck soooooo bad at playing lol. I can’t build a house to save my life lmao.
I’ve been playing Killing Floor 2. The daily and weekly goals make the time pass a little.
I suck at fortnite cause of the building as well. So many people have invested a lot of time into that game that I’ll never be able to catch up haha
I need a new game ?
Uh I’m pretty good at fortnite. I have a 2 kd and over 800 wins lol
@GoodAfternoonSir hey! if you don’t mind my asking, how do you plan to study for the lsat? like self study, class, etc. and why November?
Y’all sound nooby lol you say build a house. It’s called building a base or fort ???