@bruins8clap My two cousins who are in elementary school are addictive in playing Fortnite lol.
I am simply so busy with my college course work that I have stopped playing any games since Freshman year second semester. Hopefully, I can catch up with Nintendo Switch in the summer. If not, I will just play it after I graduate.
@Ballballuc Well I didn’t finish the prereqs but even if I did, their admit rate is intense and I have a couple of W’s. I am also not passionate solely about Econ so I feel if I went to UCLA for that major, I would burn out quick. One thing I like about Global Studies is that it’s interdisciplinary so I won’t get bored of it
I took 24 units last semester and it was too easy for me. I even took actuary exam P last year. I’m hoping UCLA or Berkeley is very rigorous and so I can dig deep into the material there.
For Berkeley I do. For UCLA I’m missing 1 class. chemistry 101 but my major is math so I dont think it is a big deal that I’m missing it but we will see.
@GoodAfternoonSir I once sucked too bro, no worries. ? I mean, I’m still terrible compared to all these other people now but I’ve improved well enough to become average ? A very frustrating yet addictive game.
ight guys update: LA is beautiful! I’m happy to be here, I got to see Hollywood blvd for the first time and also went to the Griffith Observatory just as it was closing so I got to see all the LA lights it was beautiful. This just makes me want to get into UCLA more… rip
@Trashception wait til you step onto the campus. You’ll feel a certain vibe that is hard to explain, all I know is that I’ve never felt that vibe in all the campuses that I went to.
@Trashception This actually makes me so happy. I live a couple hours away from LA, but hardly get the chance to go there except to see family, so it’s good to hear all the excitement
Yeah I’ve grown up in LA and for some reason never visited the campus until last year. In high school I toured schools all up and down the east coast and was so confused because I wasn’t sure if any of them felt “right”, but when I went to UCLA I literally teared up twice because of how good I felt just being there. And then on my tour, even though the school has 30,000 kids which is the main reason I didn’t apply in high school, I literally ran into 3 of my friends from high school it’s awesome there!!!
Hi guys! I go to Irvine Valley College. Yesterday I met with the UCLA representative of our school and asked about when the admissions decisions are getting released. When I told her that Berkeley would be releasing the admissions decisions on April 19th, she said that UCLA would most likely be after that and she said she hopes that the decisions are released in two weeks.
Yea is housing easy to find for transfers there? If I get in and decide to go I’m gonna get kicked out of my house so I gotta make sure I can find something.