Same here
I’ve been creeping this forum for months. Now that we’re supposedly two weeks away im obviously having a hard time not obsessing, so i finally made an account. Will someone please chance me?
My Stats:
CCC student from Los Angeles City College
Major: Public Affairs (New degree program they just started offering Fall 2018)
GPA: 3.8 at Los Angeles City College (LACC) but transfered from Fullerton Community College (FCC) and due to my GPA at FCC my overall GPA is 3.6
IGETC: Just got IGETC certified yesterday!
TAP: Yes, honors program
Schools Applying: UCLA (i know, i know)
-My biggest thing is that i had a two year gap where i stopped going to school and crushed it (spoke about in my personal statement). Basically i wanted to work in radio/music industry, i managed to make it into CBS Radio. I worked there for three years total and was promoted three times during my time there (from promo assistant to social media manager, to sales coordinator, to an account executive/manager). I was the youngest person in the compoany, and i was the youngest person on the sales floor on a team of 40 sales executives. All of which had 10, 15, 20+ years of experience (i didn’t have a college degree just sales experience). I then started working as a Content Manager at a LA based EDM record label, which i left to come back to school full time because i felt like something was missing (education, well-rounded, etc.). So i came back to LACC and since then i’ve been getting staright A’s with the exception of one B last fall. I am an honors student, am working part-time currently, and taking 17 units right now with three honors classes (kind of worried about spring grades in addition to all of this).
First generation student
Low Income (when i was living with my mom, she never made more than $35k and of course i’m making nothing right now)
Came from a toxic household but as mentioned i left when i was 19 to get away from all of that and live to my fullest potential.
Father is mentally disabled
mother is mexico born
i’m 24 years old
i want to be a Content Director
I wrote about how i have managed to succeed by maninting a positive additude (mentioned this was the best thing i got from my dad because i did not come fro ma supportive family/toxic enviornment)
Main Idea for Personal Statements:
What i mentioned above is basically what i wrote in my personal statements. Let me know if anyone has any questions.
Sorry if there are any spelling/gramatical errors, trying to not spend too much time and get back to studying.
yeah you have a good chance dude.
ugh thank you!!!
Hey y’all here’s a tour of all the dining halls on the hill if you want to add to your obsession
@bruins8clap what 750s not bad, what kind of housing is it and is it shared? When i got into ucsd last year my transfer housing double was like 1300 a month if you broke it down. I didnt go though D:
@willowstil I was in the UCLA CCCP scholar’s residential program last summer and we got to eat at De Neve and Rendezvous for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! De Neve’s breakfast is the absolute bomb, and Rendezvous had asian food (sushi, boba, etc) and Mexican food (burritos, quesadillas, tacos, etc.) It made me want to attend the school even more!
@Princetonian9 I believe transfer students have housing priority during their first year only.
@Iamgradgoals Sounds like you have a fantastic shot! and a great story of overcoming obstacles and excelling, which I think is what they are looking for and sets you apart.
@8CLAP4SUP Good to know thanks.
Thanks so much for the positive feedback!! I sure hope they think the same. Thank you for taking the time to reply!
Just talked to a rep at my school, he said April 24th through 26th after 5PM they’re sending out decisions.
That’s what he said. Maybe he meant it will be some day in that range, but those are the dates he gave me.
Was the rep a UCLA rep? @calmath2021
At this point, we just have to wait and see. No point in posting these constant updates from “reps” as they are all contradicting each other.
@bruins8clap Yes he was a UCLA admissions rep.
Miss helio thinking shes hot ■■■… get out of here
Bro who is miss helio? lol