Ms Sun. I once watched a presentation someone made to mock her, made it some astronomy themed thing it was funny.
I talked to my transfer specialist at my school yesterday and she said that the counselors are being told the UCLA will probably release next week ?♂️ I’m just going to chill and not debate about it, the decision I get will be the same no matter when it comes
LOL. This is painfully funny.
I’ll just chill and not take any assumptions. I’ll just wait until the decisions portal go down and “come back” on a specified time.
@bruins8clap oh wow i didn’t know that. where can i find more information about the 750/mo rooming on campus?
GO to UCLA Housing rates > 2019/2020 year > on-campus apartment housing > 2 bedroom /4 people and 2 bedroom /6 people and 2 bedroom / 8 people.
However they still want 3 installments during the summer before u even start livin there JUST FYI.
LOL, this is the same video i showed my family when deciding to go to UCLA or not. I was like the food is great lets apply!
yea…my calendar is marked with two dates and question marks lol
Anyone see the picture of the black hole? First ever legitimate picture ever.
Has anyone gotten the UCLA regent invitation yet?? I really hope I get it T__T
Does anyone know how the regent’s scholarship is distributed? How many people get the Regents scholarship and does it depend on the major? Also, did I have to apply for the regent’s scholarship to be eligible to receive it?
for UCLA transfer students, Regents is very rare and hard to get. It basically is the cream of the crop students with 3.9 GPA+, tons of EC’s, volunteer work, and research work as well.
@RoastedHamm my friend got regents last year and you don’t apply. You are automatically considered. He had a 4.0 gpa, ec, research work, volunteer experience and got the regents scholarship a week after his admissions acceptance letter.
Last year, for the first time, UCLA didn’t announce until a week or two after acceptance notices were sent. I’m not sure you even had to write an essay as a finalist, as in the past. They may have just announced recipients. I can’t remember that part.
And no, you never had to apply. They would just announce you as a finalist.
I’m saying this from memory - about 200 awarded, mostly freshman, but I could be so wrong on this number.
The Regents Scholarship Program was established by the Regents of the University of California in 1962, and represents one of the highest honors awarded to a student at the University. Regents Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of demonstrated academic excellence, leadership and exceptional promise.
UCLA awards up to 100 Regents scholarships each year to entering and transfer students and currently has approximately 500 Regents Scholars enrolled at UCLA.
The UCLA Regents Scholarship program is unique to the UCLA campus, therefore, the award cannot be transferred to other UC campuses, nor could other UC campus Regents Scholarship awards be honored at UCLA. Selection of the Regents Scholars is completed by each campus individually.
- Per UCLA Financial aid and scholarship website.
Thanks guys! @CalBear1998 @bruins8clap @Ohm888
In regards to housing, which is typically a cheaper/smarter option between dorms and apartments?
on-campus apartments shared with 1 to 2 people per room will most likely be your cheapest and smartest option during living at UCLA.
Do we have to find our own roommates or do we get random ones?
During the housing application you can add roommates. If not, you will be linked to random people.