@trashception any update :o?
Thanks. I suppose there will be a facebook page for that purpose coming after admissions decisions.
Are on campus apartments guaranteed for 2 years? I know ucla housing is 1 year guaranteed but not sure if thats just dorms or all housing
UCLA transfer housing is guaranteed 1 for year. This means on-campus apartment or residence hall.
Your senior year, you would just be a normal undergraduate student and have to apply for on-campus apartments like a normal student, and you usually get a housing offer.
Can you add non-UCLA people as roommates? Like can I add my gf as my roommate? She is not a student at UCLA
@GaussX I don’t think so. If you are going for UCLA’s on-campus housing, your roommates have to be UCLA students. Your question is quite funny lol I literally laughed. If you want to stay with her, I recommend you guys to get an apartment room in order to live together!
wth no dog lol. on-campus apartments and residence hall assumes that the roommates you pick are current students at UCLA.
If you want to live with your gf, just go on fb, if you get accepted, they start leasing apartments for 1 year in june. But in the end, it would have to be off-campus.
@sagaciousforever Wait… So there are going to be more than 2 people there. Nevermind then lol. My bad.
Edit: Lol I just saw the price. $750 in west LA…really? So it is like 4-5 people in one apartment.
Can someone help me with insight on admission probability for this particular applicant?
My wife applied to transfer to computer science programs at UC’s for Fall of 2019. She received her acceptance from UCI, with no scholarship offered, but she’d prefer to go to UCLA or Cal.
Here’s the relevant background info:
- GPA and “transfer-from” schools: She is finishing all her computer science pre-reqs in junior college in LA this semester and she still has a 4.0.
- Class withdrawal: She had a few W’s a year ago. She was a little overwhelmed when her father was terminally ill so she withdrew from some classes that had required a lot of her attention that semester. This information was neither thoroughly or explicitly included in her personal statements on the UC application.
- Age/Ethnicity/Citizenship: She’s in her early thirties. She’s a Chinese citizen but a CA resident. She plans to apply for US citizenship next year.
- Lack of non-academic activity:She has no ECs and didn’t work while attending junior college.
- Prior experience: She worked in low-skill jobs for the decade prior to attending junior college.
I’ve heard of horror stories of 4.0 students getting rejected but I can’t determine their legitimacy (e.g. maybe they didn’t complete the pre-requisites which may be grounds for rejection regardless of GPA/ECs/etc.). And I can’t figure out how to reliably extrapolate her chances. The 25th-75th GPA percentiles for those admitted to UCLA’s CS program and Cal’s EECS program (note: not Cal’s CS program) were 3.9-4.0 and 3.86-4.0 in Fall 2018, with admit rates of 8% and 11% respectively.
I know that we can wait a couple more weeks until the decisions are estimated to be sent out, but I’m getting a little antsy. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.
Are you still able to get a meal plan though? or would it be better to just buy groceries?
@GaussX No there could be a room with just two people sharing. I am just saying your roommate has to be a UCLA student.
Yes you can have a meal plan if you are off-campus, or on-campus apartments or dorms doesn’t matter.
I mean you told us the probability already. She has a 10 percent chance, roughly. It just becomes if the admissions office ends up liking her application, as academically she is fine enough for UCLA. Best of luck.
Well hi guys,
chance me?
I’m a student at a LACCD college.
I got my high school diploma at the age of 15 in 10th grade by taking a proficiency test (CHSPE). Starting CC in 2016.
Major: Political Science
Alternative Major: Linguistics and Psychology
CCCP Honors: Yes
IGETC: Completed
Major Prep: Completed
TAP Honors: Yes
GPA: 3.39 (I had a rough time with my major prep classes because of a racist teacher who was the only one teaching all polisci classes at my college. But I didn’t use that as an excuse for my application. Rather own up to it than blame. I also had a full time job and family problems, which all led me to lose motivation in my last year. But I’ve been improving!)
Ethnicity: Asian
Financially: Middle Class Family
Essays: Probably a 7/10, I got it reviewed by a CCCP Scholar and a few counselors who were experienced in preparing students for apps. I think I did a decent job in describing who I was on there, but now looking back I feel like I didn’t have enough room to say everything I wanted to say.
Job: I’ve been working at an Immigration Consultancy office as a secretary since 2016. This is getting me ready for law school hopefully. I now do work a second job as well but I started after turning in my app so there’s no way to update my employment history now.
EC’s: Tons, tons
- Student Government: I’ve held the positions of - President, Vice President, Commissioner of Political and External Affairs, Secretary, and Parliamentarian
- Before working at my job I volunteered there for two years in high school.
- Nearby volunteering in Mosques
- Children’s Hunger Fund Volunteering
- Volunteering for Helping Hands and raising over 3000 items of food for Homeless Students in LACCD and getting recognized.
-Lots of other tiny stuff that I didn’t have room to add onto the app.
I know my GPA is very low. Honestly, I don’t think I have a chance at all, but I’m still trying to be optimistic. It’s either UCLA or CSUN for me.
I heard really good things about the dorms where there are specifically transfer students, but I am sure that is way more expensive. I wonder if it would be worth it though. Just to get involved easier.
Your GPA very low. I would say you have slim chance.
@yourmomdude You are TAP certified. I heard %80 of the TAP applicants get in. So I think you still have a chance. I don’t know if Political science is an impacted major tho.
It is an impacted major unfortunately. I think that slims my chances of a TAP based acceptance too lol