UCLA Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

There were posts on UC Berkeley waitlist discussing this that last week.
Not sure until CDS info for 2023 is released.
But yes, Gov. wanted UCLA, Cal and UCSD to take in a combined total of 900 more in state students.

So, there would be waves for UCLA L&S tomorrow?

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Perhaps all the UCs were just being cautious. These past few years with Covid have made predicting yield difficult. With an economy that is weakening and many full pay families now taking a better look at their amazing instate UCs versus pricey privates, I am glad the UCs are perhaps being cautious. Better than having an over enrollment problem.


Yes, 900 more in state spread between all 3 campuses. They received a lot of money. However thry will make sure to max out there oos and international because they pay a lot more.

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Few friends are going to AZ, Utah etc because UCs have c-19 vaccine mandate. Ivies, most CSUs, cal poly slo, stanford, USC dropped it. They believe this might be a problem for UC. Not sure bc UC is competitive still.

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Maybe or just went on last years crazy numbers.


is UCLA going to have another wave of WL admissions?

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10 posts were split to a new thread: Options to transfer to UCLA

A post was merged into an existing topic: Options to transfer to UCLA

Looks like no wave today?


Maybe not. I wonder why :sob: This makes me so nervous

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Still early! SIR for WL was yesterday. Maybe in few hours or tomorrow?

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Do they usually release waitlists after 9? I thought it was usually only around 7-9.

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I don’t think it is a set time or day. They are probably looking at numbers that just came in.

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I thought someone mentioned that the UC system does not allow SIR to 2 UC schools meaning that the the second one wouldn’t go through. Or are we discussing one UC and one private school SIR situation?

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If you are trying to SIR to another UC after being admitted off the waitlist, there is a warning that pops up stating you have already SIR’d to a UC and you need to withdraw ASAP.

If you SIR’ed with a backup UC and you were admitted to another UC from waitlist or appeal that you wish to attend instead, SIR with the new UC first. Once you have confirmation and everything is set in motion (housing, orientation, etc.), withdraw your SIR from the previous UC by following the instructions here (instructions for withdrawing the SIR should be the same as or very similar to withdrawing the UC Application).


Could there be a reason for SIRing to 2 schools, one a UC and one at a lower tier school? Sometimes kids don’t get the grades needed in their senior year to matriculate into let’s say UCLA but could possibly at a CSU or lower tier private school.

I thought there was a kid that asked this question on the forum (maybe not this particular thread) and a poster suggested SIRing to another school that would accept his D in case he couldn’t get his grade to a C.

Yes, there could be reasons to SIR to 2 schools but usually you need to get permission from both schools to do it properly. I would never chance being rescinded just to hedge my bets.


Ok I understand now why the WL frustration. Some kids don’t do this quickly enough and the process can drag on.

How do you tell a UC you want to un-SIR?

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