UCLA Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

nothing again today? any idea if they’re going to have another wave, or if they’re even going to have one?

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It’s hard to believe that they would stop admitting off the waitlist so early. Last year, I believe they stopped admitting off the waitlist during mid-late August. I’m pretty sure that they will have another wave sooner or later.


how do u know?

My son is still waiting so I hope I am wrong! But I have a feeling the waves are over. The previous wave was a big one and they gave 8 days to accept (which is strange as they mention 3 days in waitlist FAQ) to give enough time for people to accept so that they are close to hitting the numbers. Again my 2 cents!


I have a feeling that you are right. The last wave was a big one, so maybe now they will only be filling a few small spots. I hope we are wrong, but it’s been 3 days since the last wave had to SIR and there’s been no movement. I just hope they’ll close the waitlist earlier if this is the case so all of our kids can move on and embrace the school they chose.


This year’s low acceptance rate in UCLA, UC Berkley & UCSD due to lots of excellent Students coming from Good schools/ Area impacted with higher GPAs ( 4.3 Above). California Lawmakers put pressure to give admission priority to California residents after outside states & Outside countries. Governor Newsom also approved additional funds for UCs if not give admission then possibly cut down aid from the California state government. The next WL release will be better i think so.


I agree. Not just wishful thinking. Maybe not a huge wave but there will be movement.


It would be nice to get frequent updates versus just waiting endlessly. Keeping the waitlist students in the loop as to how far they are in the process and the date after which no one needs to wait. This is hard on parents and kids.


Lots of data and moving parts even with software. I don’t think they are as organized or efficient as they seem.

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So true. This wait is so annoying. There is absolutely no transparency, no info as to how many got off, how many more they can accommodate.
Atleast once a week they can give some sort of updates, some approx figures.


seems like no wave today again

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So don’t think they are doing waves anymore. Just found out about someone who got off the waitlist last Friday. So it seems like they are doing much smaller amounts now since this is the first to be heard of for last week. They are in state.

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What is the major of the the student who got off the WL?

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Interesting…last friday would have been 2 days before the WL SIR for the big wave was even due. Are they going to UCLA? Major?

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Did someone try to reachbthe AO to get some updates? I keep trying without any luck

Question for the group, it looks like most of the releases for WL are in-state students. Is that true?


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It looks so.i am also waiting for any international or oos.but they are all in state.How can we confirm that?

When i emailed AOs they said their goal was to complete waitlist admissions for freshmen by the end of may but it could go into the summer (definitely going to go into the summer imo)

I don’t know major but L & S. Yes the are going. They had committed to CAL and now are going to UCLA.