UCLA Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

OOS= Out of State


Would they allow it if I requested an alternate major change on the UCLA waitlist form?

UCLA doesn’t consider alternate majors and any change of major at this point would also not be considered. What is your current major and what major are you considering changing into?

Is there an advantage in sending your appeal letter in early? For example will my letter be read earlier if I send it in on the 1st rather than the 10th or 12th will I recieve a decision earlier? Also around when are appeals decided when would they let me know whether it has been granted as an acceptance or rejected? Also do they all come out on the same day or is it rolling? is there a word or character limit too lol

sorry for all the questions ahh

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I do not think appeal letters are first in, first out. Usually the UC’s will review their waitlists before considering appeals but it may vary from campus to campus. UC’s do not set aside spots for appeals so it will also come down to are there any spots available if the appeal is approved.

My friend’s son goes to a unique 6-12 school where they teach math at a really high level. The child is a Bronze medalist for USAMO and USAPhO. While he did get UCSB and UCD, he got no’s or waitlists at the other UC’s. My friend mentioned that school doesn’t have any AP or honors and I thought that was strange as their math courses goes way beyond calculus (calculus was taught in 8th grade). I checked the website where one can search up a high school and verify UC approved courses and found that his school does have UC approved honors. It’s just that the course name doesn’t have the word “honors”. I think when they filled out the course work section, they just marked everything regular, and didn’t get any bonus points, as in no “weighted GPA”. Should they contact admission to explain/appeal with a “corrected” course work section? Would that help, especially given UCB has not released their decision?

UC app auto populates the honors to match their approved honors list. You cannot change that field. So if his classes are honors by UC standards he would have been given credit, even if the word honors was not in description. For Cal State app you fill in the honors field so if he did that app he may have missed the honors credit but he received it on UC.


Even if the course did not have Honors in the name, there is a drop down to select Honors designation. That said, asking for a friend is a TOS violation on CC so I would have that individual post their questions and to be honest, it will be too late for UCB plus they also have the option to appeal their decisions. Usually mistakes made by the applicant are not a valid basis for an appeal and the UC’s are familiar with California HS’s. This individual did get some UC acceptances so the error did not cause all rejections.

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@Gumbymom Thank you for letting me know about TOS rules. Should I delete the previous post?

No, just do not post anymore information about the friend on CC.

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My daughter is getting ready to submit her waitlist questionnaire; she’s including her senior grades and what’s changed since she first applied. She doesn’t say anything like “UCLA is my absolute first choice” or “I’m dying to go there” because it feels like 1) that’s obvious and 2) not helpful or unique info. But maybe she should pander a bit? Thoughts?

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Has she done anything new since applying in Nov? My DD has, and is going to add that.

Yes, she’s including that too. But I’m specifically wondering if she needs to express how much she wants to go to UCLA, i.e., “it’s my absolute first choice I’m dying to go there” kind of thing.

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UC’s do not consider an applicants level of interest in their application review. You can express interest but you are doing that by opting into the waitlist.

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That’s helpful, thank you!

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Are we allowed to put links on the waitlist form?

(Such as a link to a music recording or a website with educational games I programmed)

No, you can only submit your waitlist statement and updated grade/activities etc

Thanks. He did apply to UCB but for bioengineering which he just got rejected but he seems happy about the rejection. He just wants neuroscience. UCD will be fine for him.


so if i’m in state, should i basically consider myself rejected? i was waitlisted but i am instate so i don’t know if i should have any hope at all :frowning:

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If UCLA is a top choice, then stay on the waitlist but consider it a soft rejection since there is no guarantee you will be admitted.