<p>Hey guys. I am a current sophomore at UCI thinking about applying to UCLA as either an Anthropology or American Lit and Culture Major (both are not impacted). I will be going to UCI in the fall and winter quarters, but not the spring because then I will be close to going over the unit cap (I'll have about 100 after the winter 2010 quarter) and I'd like to save tution/housing money and work close to home.</p>
<p>A couple of questions: on the transfer application, do I list major choices and if so how many? Is there a first choice, second choice, etc.</p>
<p>Also, I will not have all the pre reqs completed fully for either major. I have taken Intro to Socio Cultural Anthro during my freshman year and this upcoming fall I am taking a Applied Anthro course (a UCI 139). The are three other courses on the pre req list that I will not have completed. If admitted, I could definitely take one of the lower div requirements next summer so as not to delay my undergraduate career too much.</p>
<p>For American Lit and Culture, I will have all the pre reqs filled (due in large part to me being an English major at UCI and having completed Hum Core along with a couple English 20 series) except for any foreign language. </p>
<p>In short, because these majors are not impacted, is it required to have completed all pre reqs? How competitive are these non impacted majors? I am in CHP at UCI with a 3.533 GPA. My main reason for wanting to transfer to UCLA, besides prestige, is financial because I am from Westwood.</p>