I’m super excited and anxious for the interview round that should be coming up, but I’ve seen a few things that are giving me heart attacks. Some people had their interviews in February, some got their interview invitation email a few days ago, and some are even saying that Transfer film students may not even get interviews…?!
Just putting this out there to get some insight as to where everyone is at. Also, is it safe to say we can all come to a general consensus that our supplemental applications still just say “Submitted” instead of “Review”???
Yes, I believe that none of us have been informed on whether or not we were reviewed yet or not.
Is this for undergraduate or graduate?
undergrad…well at least I am. I am an undergrad transfer. I am assuming that the OP is too (since this is undergrad application season)
@kscott_2000 freshman or transfer?
@kscott_2000 okay, so the decision date for us should be April 14th 2017
golly… I’m not that patient lol specially since I was relying on an interview to let me know if I had a better chance…THE AGONY lol
I have a theory on the interviews. I think they are for people on the border of being waitlisted and gaining acceptance into TFT. I think that if you’re in, then you’re in (strong application + supplementals) if you’re denied…then you’re denied, and if you get an interview…then they don’t know what to do with you and the interview is almost like a “tie-breaker.” This theory is based on context clues from a very vague phone call with admissions, and past forums. (also I have seen some of the interview questions and based off of what I have seen…I’m almost positive that this is correct.)
Yeah, that’s the conclusion I’m coming to. Well, here’s hoping and waiting 34 long days. And hopefully coming back here celebrating our acceptance 
Okay so I was randomly reviewing my supplementals (Because I am just that obsessive) and on ALL my PDF versions and google doc formats of my life challenge essay, it’s 2 pages (the maximum amount allowed) BUT on the uploaded version on their system on the supplemental website… it spaced one of the sentences out weird and made it into 3! (the last sentence being on the 3rd page.) I googled it and apparently, this has been a glitch/bug in google’s system for like six years and they never figured out how to fix it! I know that if you don’t “follow directions” for the TFT app, you get disqualified…should I call them on Monday and ask about this? Like how do I even ask that? I had like 3 panic attacks over this between last night and today. I REALLY don’t want them to take me out of the running for a spot for something that is beyond my control. I can’t fix it; I’m a film major, not an computer science major!!! :’( HELLLLP
Oh no! I’m going to review mine now. I had that issue my first semester with google docs. I followed the margins and spacing and thought it was fine when it printed but my teacher gave me a 0 for the assignment because of that. I’ve been so careful ever since. I would definitely call them and if they insist it’s not a big deal, have them note it down anyways. Sorry about that.
I’m wondering if I should call them or send an email for documentation?
I’ve called them before and my brain like shuts off when I’m nervous and I stutter :’( I don’t want them to make a note of it after I call and think that I am inarticulate, you know?
Then I would suggest an email. I don’t think the people answering the phones have much of a say in admissions (I could be wrong?) so I doubt they would make a note saying “inarticulate chick didn’t check her application and wants forgiveness” But, they’re probably flooded with emails soooo… Have a friend call?
@kscott_2000 I just typed out an email to send to them, but I will give them until Tuesday to reply. If I do not hear back from them by the time I go on my break on Tuesday, I’m going to give them a call. Do you mind if I post the email here so I can get feedback on it before I send it to them?
Good plan. Yeah sure, post it.
To Whom It May Concern,
Hello! I am writing to inform the school about a glitch in the system on the TFT supplemental application website. Upon checking my application’s progress via the department’s applicant web portal, I reviewed my essays and noticed that one of them reformatted itself after uploading it with the rest of my application. I am unsure when this happened, but I am confused and am requesting clarification on if this could impact an admissions decision for myself and other applicants that typed their essays using Google Docs as well.
I looked into this issue with Google’s programming, and it seems that this has been an issue with the system for over a few years now and they have not been able to fix the problem yet. The bug in their system can cause awkward spacing in documents; making pages look longer than they are. My “Life Challenge” essay converted into PDF form in a way where unauthorized spaces were added to my work, putting the last sentence on a third page when the paper was written in the proper format and following the TFT guidelines for the supplemental applications listed on the website.
I am aware that failure to comply with the instructions for the TFT admissions essays can disqualify applicants for the chance to receive admissions offers from the school. I would like the school to be notified of this issue so that myself and other prospective students are still reviewed and considered for the opportunity to be a part of the programs to which we have applied. If needed, I have documentation of the glitch in the system confirmed by Google, and I have both hard copies and the original (non-pdf) format of the essay that meets the two-page maximum. I would greatly appreciate a response to clarify the impact this could have on applicants and how we could go about finding a solution to this issue would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time.
(insert real name here)
Fall 2017 Transfer Applicant
(phone number here)
ironically enough I had to reformat it AGAIN because the email got messed up too