UCs - Retake SAT 1 or Retake SAT Math 2

I’m applying for Computer Science at UCSB, UCI, UCSC, UCB, and UCSD

While not required, SB, Irvine, SD, and UCB recommends that I take SAT Math Level 2 to be more competitive for the major.
However, on test day, I goofed up and ran out of time, left 12 questions blank and got a mediocore 630.

Right now my highest SAT is a 1290 with 620 Reading and 670 Math. My a-g GPA is 4.08.

For the December test date would it be better to retake Math 2 or retake SAT 1?
Additionally, should I even bother sending the low Math 2 score?

Retake SAT 1 instead. Although SAT II’s are recommended and to be competitive many of the applicants will have good scores, your SAT 1 is below average if you are targeting UC’s for computer science. GPA may be king to the UC’s, but CS is highly competitive and you need the test scores go with the your solid GPA. I would also not send the Math 2 SAT score and I would encourage to add UC Santa Cruz/Riverside and a couple of Cal states to your college list or you may find yourself shut out.

Here are 25th and 75th percentile SAT scores of each campus and you would need to be at least at the average or above to have a decent chance at an acceptance at the UC’s on your list.

25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCB: 1280-1490

UCLA: 1280-1500
UCSD: 1250-1470
UCSB: 1290-1450
UCD: 1190-1430
UCI: 1190-1420
UCSC: 1170-1380
UCR: 1090-1310
UCM: 1020-1230

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 (capped weighted and not major specific):

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

As you can see even with your UC GPA of 4.08, the Mid-tier UC’s could go either way 50/50 chance and this not taking into account highly competitive majors like CS/Engineering.

Gumbymom is correct. SAT Subject Tests are considered optional and would only boost your application only after you have established a solid base with SAT I.