UCs score choice

Is score choice optional for ucs for subject test? If I took math 2 once and physics twice, can I just send my highest physics and math if I send all my sat scores?

I don’t want to get automatically rejected from all the ucs for using score choice so wanted to double check

Its all-scores rule is inapplicable to subject tests; you can send any you want to send or none.

And as to any concerns you have over the all-scores rule, be aware that it was adopted 9 1/2 years ago and, to date, there have been no reports of anyone being denied admission or otherwise being punished for failure to report all SAT scores.

@drusba “there have been no reports of anyone being denied admission or otherwise being punished for failure to report all SAT scores” are you talking about subject SATs or SATs?

@drusba what about this link: http://www.admissions.uci.edu/maa_uci/test_scores.html

UC Irvine says “Do not use the score choice option to withhold reporting of SAT Subject Test scores.”.

Also do you know whether UCs can see if you used score choice (just in case?). I see that they have never rescinded application but you wouldn’t realyl know if they automatically rejected your application because they saw that you used score choice, right (and you wouldn’t be able to explain?)

My son used score choice for his SAT subject test scores and was accepted. The UC website still states that you have to submit all SAT scores, but in reality they only consider your best score from a single sitting so I know many applicants that do not send all the SAT I scores let alone all their SAT subject test scores.

Since SAT subject test scores are not required, they can only help your application not negatively impact it.

@harrypotter112, that UC Irvine website page you mentioned is from 2006 and relates to those who were applying for entry into fall 2007. It is from a time when UCs actually required subject tests and it is no longer in effect. The current all scores rule is inapplicable to subject tests.

@Aneem00, I was referring to the SAT. There has not been one report in the last decade of any student being rejected or disadvantaged in the admission process in any way at the UCs for failure to provide all scoress of any tests, SAT, ACT or subject tests.

As to UCs knowing whether you used score choice, at the time of detetmining admission it is not likely since College Board does not tell colleges you have withheld any tests when you order them sent. The UCs may receive information that shows you withheld scores after you are admitted. The UCs do not require your high school transcript until after you are admitted and finish high school. You self-report courses and grades when you apply. There are high schools that put all your scores on the official transcript sent to colleges and thus the UCs could learn you withheld a score if your high school provides all scores on the transcript sent after you graduate from high school. Despite that possibility, there have been no reports of any UC applicant having an admission decision rescinded for failure to provide all scores.