UC's stereotypes

<p>ok…so i got into ucsd, uci, ucd, and waiting on ucla/b…but i want to know more about the type of college life within each UC, their nicknames, as well as their “nasty secrets”? Anyone willing to help dissipate my ignorance??</p>

<p>Okay, well both UCSD and UCI are going to be sort of anti social. You can try to make what you want of it, but overall, those schools are going to be harder to make friends at. UCI is a commuter school, so everyone leaves on the weekends, and leaves after classes to go home which cause not many people to live on campus. Also, some people think UCI stands for University of Chinese Immigrants. Do you have any specific questions?</p>

<p>ucsd has a bad social life?</p>

<p>what makes UCD any better</p>

<p>More people stay on campus and it has more school spirit (Aggie pack)</p>

<p>i love uc davis . my brother goes there, and i can testify for the actual college-life feeling to it....but you know , in terms of prestige, ucsd is slight higher.....</p>

<p>also, which one exhibits the most boring/antisocial/dead environment: UCI or UCSD?</p>

<p>UCSD definitely.
However you should keep in mind that you are going to a college for an education not for a social life. Even more compelling is the idea that a social life is what you(emphasis on you) make of it!</p>

<p>UCSD-Something about weed and the library OO;; They head over to SDSU to party or go to the beach
UCI-Commuter School. My friend has a cousin there and he says all they do is go to class and play cards. Boring/10 =(
UCD-Apparently very spirited. Real college town
UCSB-Drugs, 1:3 students has an STD (supposedly oO), crazy parties</p>

<p>Are you really deciding where you are going for college based on "stereotypes?"</p>

<p>Honestly, most of the peopel feeding you this information don't even go to the college and you expect an accurate picture of the college? It's always "my friend's brother" or "my ex-girlfriend's cousin"... </p>

<p>College is what you make of it - and in a few years you'll find how true this statement is. It's VERY possible to be studious and sober at UCSB, it's VERY possible to have an awesome social life at UCSD. </p>

<p>You have to rise above these "stereotypes" that are blinding you from seeing the truth. </p>

<h1>1. Get off the forums and visit the colleges, find what atmosphere suits you the best and</h1>

<h1>2. Talk to people (not just one, more like 10) from the college IN person about different aspects of the college</h1>

<p>Most people on the forum are High School Seniors and all you'll get is a discontorted view of each college.</p>

<p>Drugs - every school has drugs. even high school has drugs.</p>

<p>1:3 students has an STD - already disproved. UCSB actually has a lower ratio than the national average for colleges.</p>

<p>please stop spreading rumors. stereotypes are only 50% based on truth.</p>