UCs this year (specifically UCB)

I know about the UCs asking for more funding etc. But does anyone know whether the UCs will generally admit more outside-of-state students or in-state students from the waitlist this year? Specifically UCB if possible.


does no one know? because I heard about one of the two groups of people (OOS, IS) getting an advantage at waitlist admissions this year

I don’t think Berkeley will, but for some reason i think UCLA is admitting more OOS along with others.

@sternbusiness thats weird… because i also for some reason kept believing that ucb would admit more oos this year.


I have no knowledge of this- just Googled university of California and out of state.

Looks like a battle between the schools and President of UC over funding. The schools need more money and are admitting more OOS and she is capping it to prevent CA residents from being locked out. The article uses a lot of “this year” which is hard to tell if that is the 14-15 academic year or the 15-16 year. If the cap means 15-16 can’t be more OOS than 14-15, then I would guess fewer or the same OOS will come off wait list. If it means 16-17 can’t be higher than 15-16, then I would expect the schools to admit all the OOS they can to maximize the cap for future years.

@gettingschooled http://www.highlandernews.org/17055/uc-may-restrict-out-of-state-enrollment/ I just read this article… and I’m pretty sure its your first explanation of 15-16 can’t be more OOS than 14-15… Hence fewer or the same OOS will come off the waitlist. Can you confirm?

yet here it says “next year” again… which I think means the class of 2016… I’m so confused…


Read this one. Mentions wait lists

@tammiluv After reading the LA times article, it sounds to me like the in state students were wait listed and will likely come off first if there is a funding solution found this Spring between the State and UC. Sounds like the schools will take as many OOS students as they can (and probably did) and have now been capped. I guess a lot depends on what solution is found but it sounds like the State is pretty unhappy with the high level of OOS students at UCB and UCLA.

It is California budget politics. Anything can happen.

If I were OOS, I’d move on to Plan B personally but that is how I feel about all waitlists.

They are playing politics with applicants’ future