Yes, in our family we have had kids accepted but not gotten the invite to the reception. Not receiving one just means you were not in the very top % of their applicants. Lots of kids get accepted but not invited, so don’t read rejection into it. Hang in there. I believe the accpetances are coming out this afternoon. Good luck to every one of you. If you qualified to apply to a UC, that alone is something to be proud of. It makes me sad to see so many outstanding young people hang all of their work on an acceptance. As my younger son told me today on his way out the door, “I am choosing enjoying and living life today, over academics. Not to say I won’t go to school and do my best, but I am not going to let my grades alone guide my appreciate for this beautiful day.” I just love that kid!
You are accepted if you are invited, and not attending does not effect your descision in any way! Congrats to all the top applicants who were accepted! I attended the reception this last Saturday ^^