Everyday. Usually between the hours of 2-6pm on business days. UCSB doesn’t do it like riverside or sc where they come in “batches”.
@uchopeful414 Econ accounting you?
Decision: rejected
Major: Bio
GPA: 4.0
Pre Reqs: all but second semester o-chem and second semester bio
Tag: no
@screenname34 Yeah you got rejected because it’s required that you complete the entire lower division general biology sequence to even be considered pre-biology.
I wouldn’t say that’s the case @solostish. Plenty of people have gotten into pre majors but have yet to meet the requirements even for the pre major.
Is there information about acceptance rates for transfer students for specific majors?
Usually not. I’ve done more than enough hours to find specifics on statistics of that sort, and have come up with nothing. Maybe I’m wrong
“To be admitted to the Pre-Biological Sciences major, all transfer students must
complete the following:
(1) One year sequence of General Chemistry with laboratory, with no individual
grade lower than “C”;
(2) Complete sequence (2-3 terms) of major-applicable General Biology with
laboratory, with no individual grade lower than “C””
This was on UCSB Bio assist. You can’t get admitted as the pre-major if you don’t have these requirements.
If I recall correctly from last year, UCSB used to be extremely strict on completion of pre-reqs for engineering majors. I don’t know if that is the same for other majors as well. That’s one of the reasons I did not apply here since they were asking for 2 more pre-reqs that I did not complete.
Solostish, i think you maybe be taking that too literally. As I’ve said, a lot of people on here are getting admitted into pre majors without meeting the pre req requirements given on assist. And they all say the EXACT same thing that you just posted. All they have to do is finish it when they get there. But that doesn’t automatically mean they get declined because they don’t finish. Or else everyone here would be getting rejected
if you look at pg 38 someone is missing requirements for bio but still got in.
Med97 student also said he’s missing a series but was admitted into pre biology
Are you at least able to negotiate a better financial aid package like you are at private schools? I think I screwed up by submitting my fafsa past the march 2nd deadline so I don’t qualify for many of the “priority” grants they are giving out.
Did everyone else who submitted their TAG and had it accepted already receive their decision? Getting a little nervous since last year it seems the bulk of the acceptances came within the first three days.
@uchopeful414 See, that’s what you’re not understanding. Many here are missing the requirements to be admitted into their major. Although most of those people have the pre-reqs to be admitted into their PREMAJOR.
For instance, on page 38, that person was admitted with missing a semester of O-Chem and the Physics series. That sill qualifies him to be in his bio pre-major. Missing O-Chem will get you into Bio pre-major. Missing Chem and Bio will not, because those two are requirements for the pre-major.
But med97student is missing a whole series yet was admitted into pre major status. How do you explain that? Also no one can get into full major status until they’ve actually been at UCSB, well most majors.
If you also look at the others who were admitted, like pre psych, they were also accepted yet missed pre reqs for their pre major.
Pretty much you can just substitute pre major with major when it comes to UCSB. But missing pre reqs for a pre major is the same thing as missing pre reqs for your major at another UC and will not effect you any more than the next person
Admitted! So happy!
Major: Philosophy
Cumulative GPA: 3.6
IGETC: Completed fall 2015
Also applied to UCLA, UCB, UCI, USC
congrats! did you TAG?
@uchopeful414 Like I said earlier…that series he missed (physics and O-Chem) wasn’t a requirement to declare “pre-major” status. If you look back at my original comment from assist, chemistry and biology are the only two requirements to declare the pre-major. Missing physics or O-Chem but having bio series and chemistry series completed will get you accepted.
If you had all your pre-reqs but missing the second part of your biology series requirement, you will not get in. Because biology and chemistry, like I said earlier, are requirements for the major AND the pre-major. The other requirements are just pre-requirements for your major assuming you’re already or will be a pre-major.
Thinks about it!!!