UCSB Fall 2016 Transfer Thread

@by3000 nope I couldn’t since I used AP credits to reach my 60 units. And thank you so much!!

I’m an English / Black studies major and I wonder if anyone has gotten accepted for either of these

Accepted 3/24 for Econ, but I think I might be screwed. I left UCSB off my list of schools on fafsa, which was submitted to other schools well before the 3/2 deadline. I know I’m still eligible for the Pell grant and student loans, but I think I might have to pay for UCSB’s tuition out of pocket if I decide to enroll.

I read somewhere that schools often go by the date your fafsa is submitted, not the date the correction is made. Could this be possible? Most of the financial aid packages aren’t prepared/finished yet, and isn’t it counterproductive to make them before 3/22 for students who haven’t been accepted yet?

Do you know if they release decisions today?

Or just week days?

Just weekdays

admission site is down for maintenance. Could they be uploading more decisions?

Lol no just on weekdays. It says it on the main page when you log in

What I am saying is that could it be possible that they upload during weekends and the systems releases those uploads at pre-determined times?

Ahhhhh I see what you mean. Idk. Maybe for Monday? Because usually the site goes down every morning very early. But who knows. You could be right

Just read off another thread that most of us shouldn’t take summer classes because it’ll go over the cap of 70 units…is this true?
I actually wanted to a summer class, but now I’m not sure anymore! Could anyone clarify?

I am well past 70 units and have been accepted to UCR and UCSC is that something specific to SB or all the UCs.

If you go over the unit cap they usually just pick the ones they want if it’s only like low 70’s. If you get to far in and become a high unit junior or senior, you may get denied.

So go ahead and take a summer class.

@hitherto you’re fine! Just make the necessary changes (Add UCSB to your FAFSA)
the fafsa itself just has to be submitted by March 2nd. So you’re good!

@UCMtoUCSBHopeful Wow, seriously? I am so relieved! I added UCSB a couple days ago and the FA office has already received my FAFSA. Can I ask you for your source of info? Thank you!

I wouldn’t take that comment as face value. Not saying you’re wrong, but the priority deadline for financial aid was March 2nd. You may end up not getting certain “on time” grants because of it. The institution grant is on a need based calculation, as well as those who are already offered it for being “on time”. You may still get it but probably significantly lower than if you had done it the first time around

@hitherto yeah! UCSB’s FA office itself. My fafsa was submitted on Feb 26th but they received it Thursday (3/24). i was really paranoid I wouldn’t qualify for anything since they didn’t actually receive it on the 2nd, but nope! i’m good! the FAFSA just has to be submitted by the 2nd of March to qualify for Fed/State aid

Sending in your fasfa takes about 3 days to get received
Each fasfa correction is also time stamped. Keep that in mind

@by3000 I think the 70 units that they’re referring to are the ones that you’re given credit for as a transfer student. As a transfer, you can qualify for up to 70 (semester) units (aka 105 quarter units) that will transfer over from your CC to your BA at UCSB. http://admissions.sa.ucsb.edu/docs/default-source/PDFs/guidetocoursetransferability.pdf It’s under the “lower division unit limitation” paragraph on the second page.

@UCMtoUCSBHopeful Did you add UCSB a few days before 3/24? I’m mainly concerned about the Blue and Gold plan.

@uchopeful414 Actually, I just double checked and I made the correction on 3/25, and it’s marked as received in my UCSB portal as of today. Maybe it’s faster if a school is just being added.