UCSB Fall 2016 Transfer Thread

Also, does anyone know if there’s a Facebook group that is for UCSB fall 2016 transfers? I saw the 2015 one, but not 2016.

That’s awesome. But financial aid isn’t open today so they’ll actually get it Monday. What sucks even more is that you fasfa Is behind the whole list of people who got theirs in before yours.
And yeah if you submit it online it gets sent in pretty quick.

I wish I was tall enough to look good in a trench coat

My FAFSA was received by UCSB on 2/20 and I still haven’t received my financial aid offer yet :frowning: That means you might have to wait a little to get yours since you just submitted it to ucsb @hitherto

@hitherto no, i added UCSB back in February when I originally submitted it. Sorry, I misunderstood your question!
@med97student Financial Aid packages will be available next week to those admitted :)!

@UCMtoUCSBHopeful Do you think the fact that I have not updated my FAFSA with this years’ tax info will affect when I get my package? I think I will be able to update it tomorrow.

i have no idea! i’m assuming they’ll offer you some sort of aid based off of what you put in your original submission. they may make the necessary changes in your aid if they feel like they need to, after you update your fafsa ofcourse @med97student

My unofficial award letter is up. I was accepted the first day decisions went out though so maybe those who got accepted later get their award letter later as well.

Hmm I guess so. I was accepted on the second day of admissions

really?? @Panorama14
so was i and mine isn’t up

could be cause my fafsa was just received tho…

any poli sci majors still pending? also, last time i checked my financial aid status from my portal it had the date when my fafsa was recieved, Now it says “No financial aid information available at this time.” is that a bad sign? :-S

Agh mine too! It used to say the date now just a (!)

@jgw917 I’m a political science major also! Mine is still pending :frowning:
What are your stats if you don’t mind me asking? The wait is killingggg me.

Re: having more than 70 units. I have 104 across six colleges and I got accepted.

were they UC transferable all 107?

54 were assist certified, 21 for sure don’t transfer because they got me an AAS in intelligence studies which has no equivalent in CA. Some of the rest had to transfer because I used them for IGETC requirements, but then a few classes I retook for a better grade. So honestly I have no idea. My transcripts are very confusing.

When it’s all said in done I might be in the running for the most units ever taken by someone with only a BA.

You can have as many units as you like from a CC, even 500 of them wouldn’t put you in junior or senior standing because they are, by definition, lower division units. What the uni will do is only transfer over 70 units and use the other classes for clearing pre-requisites or satisfying requirements etc. if they need to.

P.S. I have 115 units from CC, so I beat you @yakattak :wink:

That is not true.
You can be admitted as a high junior or even a senior. And a lot of schools will reject you because of it.

@uchopeful414 have you heard back from UCSB?

No. Probably won’t. But I’m looking forward to the Davis release date. That’s the ideal school for me. Also congrats on your acceptance.