UCSB Fall 2016 Transfer Thread

As many threads on here will tell you, there is an overabundance of people who have taken 130+ units at cc’s who got accepted at many UC’s. The high-unit limit becomes trouble if you’ve attended a four-year university and some of your units are from there.

Otherwise my 120 UC-transferable units (not 115 sorry, I recounted them right now) would put me in senior standing, and that sheet you linked says in no uncertain terms that UCSB “no,” does not accept senior standing transfers, although they accepted me last week.

That sheet is confusing tbh, and kind of makes me think twice but OTOH it talks a lot about upper division and UC units being added to the total, and that those might put applicants at risk.

Regardless, there are a lot of students with many many units from CC who get accepted every year to UC schools, so I wouldn’t want to discourage anyone about their number of units from CC.

Well it says there that UCSB t does accept high level juniors. Not seniors. And also as yak said, all of his were not UC transferable. Not trying to burst bubbles, but I’m just being real and providing a real document

And if you attend a four year university, the chances of the upper division being UC transferable is unlikely. They do have upper divisions that transfer but not all will be articulated into the UC area, therefore no credit is offered.
Also 120 units is not senior standing. That’s still junior standing that’s why you were accepted
Unless of course you’re talking about 120 semester units. Then all I can say is you’re supposed to have a bachelors with that kind of credit!

@uchopeful414 i’m sure you’ll hear back soon! I was just asking cause you’re really knowledgeable about UCSB :)! sending positive vibes your way!

and thank you!
Best of luck w Davis!

Thank you. I’ve just done a ton of research for the past year. I don’t have a stellar Gpa and I’ve just taken the time to really see what I’m getting myself into and how admissions work, as well as apply it to myself. If I didn’t think it was possible to pull off I wouldn’t have even applied!
Thank you!


On the UCSB TAG agreement info sheet it reiterates, near the bottom of pg 1, that “All community college courses are lower division. Subject credit is awarded for courses taken beyond 70 semester units (105 quarter units).” You cannot reach junior/senior standing with only lower division units from a CC.

It does go on to say “Any lower division coursework completed at any UC campus, including UC Extension, will…apply toward the 90 semester unit (135 quarter unit) limit for senior standing.”

…and further, that “All UC-transferable upper division coursework completed at any four year university will apply toward the 90 semester unit (135 quarter unit) limit for senior standing.”

Only if you have a combination of CC and 4-year uni’s will you be at risk for reaching junior/senior standing before transfer. My CC units are 120 UC-transferable semester units, which is 180 quarter units, not junior standing and not the reason I was accepted.

Also, amidst our disagreement on this, let’s point out that anyone wondering about this would probably be better off calling a school and asking them about their situation, because we’re not too qualified either way to answer this generally. Good luck with Davis as well, I’m hoping to get in too.

^^ exactly. Well said. You may be right. I guess my document was unclear as to exactly who and what units will be applied.
Best part is you learn from each other. It’s why we’re here right?

All lower-division units (aka all CC units) are capped at 70. Taking only CC classes will never put somebody over the unit cap.

If you have questions about this, I suggest you call the school. Though some members have given quality information, only UCSB can tell it to you straight. Additionally, I don’t suggest asking your CC counselor any questions about unit caps. I asked the transfer center at my CC about it and it made me feel horrible afterward. They looked at my transcript and said, I kid you not, “No one is going to take you with that many units.” I was accepted at UCSB at 2PM on the 22nd. I have 84 transferable units, and some of them are complete BS units that don’t count for anything except a waste of time. Call or e-mail UCSB if you have questions pertaining to your specific case. They’re really good with responding and give great information over e-mail. They’re very helpful and can tell you the exact answer you’re looking for.

The system is having a maintenance right now.

ACCEPTED as a transfer from UC Davis. :slight_smile:

Major: Pre-Poli Sci
UC GPA: 3.3
IGETC: Complete
ECs and Work: Decent. Had 2 good internships.
I was positive I wouldn’t get in so I’m so excited! :slight_smile:

@100789 what a terrible transfer center D: I had a similar experience, they told me if I got accepted anywhere they wouldn’t put up with students “wasting time” just taking classes and not getting anywhere. :frowning:

not to say all CC counselors are terrible, but I feel in most cases they’re usually not the most reliable sources for info. And to be fair, one can only expect them to know so much about different schools/policies in even the best case scenario.

@ananguiano I guess community college counselor really have no idea about what they are talking about. My CC counselor told me that W’s will negatively affect your admission. She also told me that NOT TO apply an UC without completing all the major prep, but I read the otherwise on College Confidential. meh I got accepted by UCSB with 2 major prep mission It turns out College Confidential people hold more credit than my CC conselor. If I listen to her BS advise, I would not have got in UCSB. Not sure about other CC conselor though, but at my schoo definitely don’t listen to them .

@dastardlydalek Congratulations! May I ask why you want to leave Davis? Just curious because I have a transfer agreement with them but have also been accepted to UCSB (i’m a political science major too) and consider them to be my top two (unless of course something crazy happens and I manage to get into LA or Berkeley).

Most counselors are just as lost as the students they’re supposed to be helping. Granted, there are a few good ones at each school, but people usually figure out who the good ones are and their schedules are always full as a result.

Frankly, I don’t even bother with them; I’ve been my own counselor since starting at my community college. There’s very little information they have access to that you can’t find on the internet somewhere if you take initiative.

Just got my award letter, only got half. Kinda disappointing, does anyone know if there’s a chance to receive any additional scholarships once you submit the SIR? Thanks

@dastardlydalek I’m also interested in why you’d like to transfer from UC Davis. I’ve always assumed it would be nice for poli sci majors living so close to the capitol for internships, etc. Congrats as well :slight_smile:

Yeah same? @dastardlydalek. Why you leaving Davis? Dats mah school I want

@uchopeful414 I thought ucsb was your dream school? what is the release date for davis admissions?

UCSB is my dream school but Davis is what is more ideal as far as my major and grad school are concerned.
April 22
I’ve always wanted to go to UCSB but Davis doesn’t require calculus. And also they have a grad program for animal behavior

@uchopeful414 Touche! Did you tag davis?