Pshh. No I don’t have the Gpa for it. I have a D In a 4 unit class at a community college I don’t go to anymore. So it’s holding me back from a 3.2. I’m at 3.09 as it stands
And what sucks even more was I was .5 units shy last semester fm being able to academically renew that grade. But no sense crying over spilled milk right?
what are your plans if you don’t get in?
I was hearing something that if you go over a certain units you will be denied. I used to be a biochem major and was accepted to 4 UC last year UCI, UCSB, UCSD, and UCD. I was accepted to UCSB on the first day last year. I decided to switch to business / Econ majors. I had to take many science classes and the 1 extra year it took me to finish business econ classes got me above 70 units. My UCGPA has maintained a 3.92 and 4.0 in the business and science major. Should I be worried?
@wtb2525 I don’t think so, but, again, you’re only going to get a straight answer from the schools you’re applying to. You should convey your concerns to them. In truth, I always contact the universities via e-mail because, in case something goes wrong down the road, I will have it in writing that I can show them in the event a problem arises.
@wtb2525 If you completed all your classes at a community college, then you’ll be fine. All CC courses are lower-division work, so the unit cap won’t really affect you. They just may not credit all your transfer units.
For example, I’m a STEM major with over 100 units. They would not transfer over all of those units, but that will not affect my chances of being accepted.
However, the unit cap can be a problem if you went from a UC to CC, and now back to a UC, or if you’re a UC-UC transfer.
Any news about admission decision with engineering major?
@tuyenvo13emhs Back around 40 someone got in with a 4.0 for mechanical engineering but I haven’t heard anything yet. Most likely it’ll be mid april like the previous years.
Please help guys!!!
I tagged ucsb with econ and accounting major and i had exactly a 3.2 . However spring 2015 i failed econ 2 which is a pre major class. I failed because the teacher didn’t let me makeup my final even though i had a doctors note
It says i can’t fail a pre major class on there website. My gpa is now a 3.15 which drops below the 3.2 tag required. I did update my information and i told them i was going to make up the class and when i do my gap will go up to around a 3.3. Am i going to get rejected ???
Please someone help!!!
its my dream school!!!
@vitamin66 if you do get rejected. You can always try to appeal.
Ya but realistically almost no one gets in by appeal
@vitamin66 Damn. What kind of life hurdling sickness prevented from you showing up to a final?
I’m sure if it’s that bad, SB will still take you.
@vitamin66 aw i know one person who got rejected from UCSD, but were told to appeal and got in.
i appealed to ucsb last year did not get in
Still pending
Yeah I am still pending as well. Could they not be sending out decisions today?
Pending also…
Still pending ~X(