UCSB MINUS parties vs UCD

<p>Now i know i like UCD, lets just say I’m moderately embracing all it’s characteristics and so it is moderately suitable for me and lets leave it at that. The question is focused on UCSB. With UCSB, I’m hearing a lot of good experiences, however, the emphasis seems to be on partying and drinking and the frolicsome, carefree nature. Yet, how well would UCSB stand up against UCD, or even UCI - basically schools which are similarly ranked - if we leave out the whole wild, crazy party scene at UCSB? Social scene i guess still counts in terms of friends, the closeness or friendliness of the community, student groups, etc, but just take out the whole crazy party aspect of the social scene at UCSB which distinguishes it from everyone else. Lets just cut off partying and wild social gatherings at the level above the average UC. I guess to narrow the question, how could would UCSB stack up (against the aforementioned UC(s)) if it only had an average, so-so party scene?</p>

<p>As they say in real estate: location, location, location.</p>

<p>It's what you make out of it. If you aren't social, you won't be finding parties at UCSB. If you're social, then you'll find the parties at UCD.</p>

<p>yes i know it is what you make of it. i don't think i stated my question clearly. I wanna know: how good is UCSB overall in terms of academics, its campus, safety, sports, food, dorms, etc EVERYTHING about it in general EXCEPT the party scene. Lets subtract that from the equation. How would the other aspects fare against, say, UCD?</p>

<p>They are pretty much equal and comparable in academics. Choose the school according to your preferred locations, beach setting vs. farm setting, etc.</p>

<p>As nate said UCI, UCD, and UCSB are pretty comparable in terms of academics. My suggestion would be to visit all three schools to get a feel for them. I visited all three and really liked Davis and Irvine; however, I didn't really like Santa Barbara. The location was great but the campus seemed really old and the thought of living in Isla Vista for three years totally turned me off to it. I spent a day up at Davis and loved it. If I got into Davis I probably would've chose that over UCI. I got into UCI and that was the best school I got into and I really like it.</p>

<p>It's hard to make a decision until you've visited each campus and talked with the students to really get a feel for the school. All three are great schools and you can't go wrong with any of them.</p>

<p>Great advice from nschuchert. My dd thought she would want to go to UCSB until she visited there. She too found Isla Vista daunting and the campus less exciting than that of UCD where she ultimately accepted admissions over UCSB and UCSD. Each person will have their own feelings about a campus so visiting is the best bet if you can.</p>

<p>Let me jump in and say this: I don't think that UCSB and UCD are "equal" academically. UCSB has the better academic reputation, is more selective, and is ranked higher in every index I have seen. This is not to say UCD isn't good, but I think UCSB, in most areas, is the superior school.</p>

<p>Now as far as finding it daunting, hell, go for it. Go outside of your comfort zone, you can't have too much fun or meet too many people. And you change a lot in 4+ years. </p>

<p>Just my 2 cents. I'd take UCSB over UCD in a hearbeat.</p>

UCD is ranked #42
UCSB is ranked #44
This is of course not a big difference, but UCD is ranked higher in the most respected ranking available. You should attend the school that fits you the best though and not use these kinds of small differences to make a decision. Choose the environment where you will best flourish.</p>

<p>Ah you're completely right, for some reason I was thinking UCSD when I mentioned rankings.</p>

<p>Anyway, carry on.</p>

<p>UCSD is ~38-39 in rank. I don't think thats a tremendous difference between UCI/UCD/UCSB at ranking at about ~42 over the years.</p>

<p>One of the biggest differences between the two schools is the academic structure. UCSD has a family of six colleges; you will live with students from your college so it appears as a small community. When you apply you will rank your the colleges in order of your preference and can still study any major no matter what college you are admitted into. For example, Eleanor Roosevelt College will prepare students to succeed in the global economy of the 21st century by providing a comprehensive general education ( University</a> of California - Admissions ).
UC Davis, on the other hand, has four colleges. Our colleges are less like families; they oversee the specific majors in their College. For example, all students who are studying Biology, genetics, undeclared – life sciences and the other majors will be in the College of Biological sciences. These 9 majors (not including the undeclared option) will have the same general education pattern to fulfill. At Davis you will be living with students from all other Colleges.
I would continue to research this difference as it is a significant difference that will have an impact on your undergraduate program. And it is difficult to portray this difference on a forum.</p>

<p>I hate to say it, but I know other people are with me...</p>

<p>UCSB = ucSTD</p>

<p>Although it is a good school, the party scene really ruins it for me. I can understand why others would like it, though.</p>

<p>"The truth will set you free"</p>

Amen to that.</p>

<p>That reputation deterred me from applying there. That scene really doesn't appeal to me, the cost of living that lifestyle is too great in my opinion.</p>

<p>*I hate to say it, but I know other people are with me...</p>

<p>UCSB = ucSTD*</p>

<p>Can you cite any sources please besides your own anecdotal evidence?</p>

<p><a href="http://www.soc.ucsb.edu/sexinfo/?article=stds&refid=015%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.soc.ucsb.edu/sexinfo/?article=stds&refid=015&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>^the fact that they have this on your site should tell you something</p>

<p>although it is a myth that they have higher std rates than any other 4 year university, it is a myth only because it has never been verified/tested, not because its not true</p>

<p>Its not UCstd anymore, its UCsti. Sexual transmitted Infections casue infections are easier to get</p>

Im going to UCSB if I get rejected everywhere else. It is between UCD and UCSB and UCSB is just more attractive, even with the STDs and all.</p>

<p>^i'd have to agree, stds are def attractive</p>

<p>pretty funny thread.</p>