UCSB Research Mentorship Program - 2023

I have the same question

Heard nothing from RMP, but got waitlisted for SRA.

I seriously think they have filled all the spots. Should have applied earlier.

I guess so. I submitted my application just before the deadline, have not heard anything yet.

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What are you doing instead? Must be something even better, given that RMP is supposedly such a prestigious program.

From what Iā€™ve heard from a past RMP attendee it was roughly 20% interview and 20% accepted from the interview.

Iā€™ll be doing SSP!


Anyone with actual experience at RMP?

I went to RMP last year as a rising junior ā€“

I did research in econ/data science, and personally, I really enjoyed my experience because of the people in my cohort ā€” everyone was super motivated but chill at the same time. Although the six weeks are really expensive, since it was my first time doing formal research + living away from home for a while, I thought it was worth it. I also got to do a GRITx talk there (a mini TED talk) about an issue Iā€™m passionate about in front of all the students, which was fun.

The biggest con (besides the price) is not necessarily being able to continue your research past RMP, especially if you work in a lab. You could probably do this through a local university though, but it wouldnā€™t have the same residential bonding experience.

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Are you an international student?

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Thank you! Thatā€™s really helpful! Were most students happy with the project they were paired with? Not knowing the project in advance is a riskā€¦

How did you feel about the schedule? Were you always busy or did you have time to do summer assignments given by your regular school? Were you ever bored or were there always things to do?

Travel wise - did you have to fly there ?

During my time there, almost everyone liked their project. Itā€™s not a random matching process ā€” everyone listens to 70+ pitches the first couple of days, and youā€™re pretty much guaranteed 1 of your top 5 selections or so.

I was never ever bored at RMP ā€” beyond the actual research experience + mentor meetings, so many fun activities are scheduled on a sign-up basis (surfing, trips to nearby towns, In-N-Out runs, etc), and Iā€™d go downtown or to the beach often with my friends. I think some people started the college app process during their free time, but thereā€™s not enough time to do another program/more research concurrently.

I live close enough that I can drive there, so I didnā€™t fly.

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Same. Waitlisted. Hoping I can go.

For those who were accepted into RMP, what is the deadline to fully accept or withdraw? Am trying to figure out when those of us who got waitlisted might hear one way or the other. Thanks

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May 16th is the deadline for the full payment.

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Early May is when my deadline is, but I know many havenā€™t even gotten interview yet, so maybe it depends on the data of acceptance?

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Did you get waitlisted after an interview?

I got an interview and got waitlisted, but I donā€™t know how common it is to be waitlisted. they did send a survey a couple weeks ago to see if I was still interested in staying on the waitlist, so I donā€™t know if the waitlist is moving tbhā€¦

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