UCSB RMP 2022 Summer research program

Well, let us hope an interview offer pulls through! Best of luck to you. And keep me updated if you hear anything from them!

Yeah, you too!

Is there a supplemental essay this year? I don’t see one in my email or in the portal, but I know they did them last year.

Just got an interview!!!

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Hey for anyone who already had the interview, do you remember the questions they asked in the interview? Any tips/advice for the interview?


did an interview 10 days ago, still no decision whatsoever… assuming rejected ;/

did u check on the portal for your status?

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yup still j shows in the interview stage and my info

Did you hear anything? Did they tell you how long would you expect to get an answer?

didnt get in

So sorry to hear about this. Best luck with your other applications. Did the result come in a week?

Whoever got an interview, how did it go?

For those who got accepted, how many days after the interview were you notified? Thanks!

Do they give any indication that you have done well on the interview? They told me at the end “Its a very competitive program and we try our best to give people opportunities”. It sounded ominous.

I think it went ok, she was nice. Has anyone gotten waitlisted this year?

She was nice. Just dont know my chances.

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I think if you felt the interviewer came across as “nice” that’s a very good sign. My daughter was recently rejected and she would not have described the interview that way. She thought it seemed very pro forma, little to no eye contact, no back and forth…just rapid-fire questions and typing. Like she just wanted to check the interview off the list. So if you had a warmer feeling coming out of it, I think that bodes well!!

Thank you. Nervous and waiting.

Have you received anything yet?

Got waitlisted, realistically what are my chances of getting in? Sophomore btw