UCSB RMP 2022 Summer research program

Good luck to you! Curious when you submitted application and if/when you were notified for interview or supplemental application?

Thank you! I submitted on 2/5 but my letter of rec only came in at 2/17. ~2 weeks later (around 3/7) I received an interview request. I don’t believe there’s a supplemental application this year, I know there was last year but this time it’s just the interview.

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My daughter submitted the application on 3/5. No updates yet. Do they call everyone for Interview or only after 1st round of selection? Appreciate any input

Although I can’t be sure, I don’t think they interview everyone. When my daughter scheduled her interview, there were a bunch of 30 minute slots available. With 3000 applicants (I heard that was the number last year) there is no way one woman could possibly interview everyone, especially considering each interview is scheduled for 30 minutes.

Also got waitlisted as a sophomore. I dont know how many people refuse RMP.

My kid got accepted as a sophomore. Received an interview request 3 weeks after the submission of the application, and received the result 7 days after the interview.

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When did she submit the application?

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Are you CA in state or out state ? which research area did your kid choose? Thanks!

How does this compare to UCSD Research scholar program? Which one is better? Plz share your thoughts.

Thank you.
Received an application completion notification on 2/10/22.

Yes, we are in CA. Intended research areas are math, chem and Statistics.

Thank you for your information.
My kid just had an interview. Hope he can make it.

Do most applicants get offered an interview?

I’m wondering the same about whether all applicants get interviews. Also, wondering if high GPA, high test scores and excellent letters of recommendation but no prestigious awards, still gives me a chance. Good luck to everyone!

Did anyone who submitted their app near or on 3/15 get an interview request yet? I submitted mine on 3/13, but haven’t heard back and it’s been nearly 3 weeks since then (usually I hear the interview request comes back within 2 weeks).

I think a lot of people submit their apps late, so it may take longer for them to offer you an interview.

My son submitted around 3/1 and his recommender probably submitted a week later. He just got a request for interview middle of last week. So it took more than 3 weeks.

Any students in private schools who got in ? I keep hearing that these programs do not look kindly at students from private schools. Interested to know what the differentiating factor between acceptance and rejections are, given that so many kids are likely to have near perfect GPAs, excellent recommendations and likely some prior research/project etc.

My kid who goes to a nationally ranked private school got in.
Perfect GPA, perfect standardized scores(APs and SAT), a LOR we assume is a good one (the teacher said he would write “a glowing” LOR), but no previous research experience.

Does the program only send acceptance letters on Friday?

does anyone remember the interview questions? I’m having mine in four days, so nervous.

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