<p>I wanted to hear some outside opinions of how UCSB and the University of San Diego compare academically against each other? If a student were to attend either UCSB or USD and receive the same high grades with the intention of transferring to another university (Columbia School of General Studies), what school would make a better impact with admissions officers when it came time to transfer? Is there really any difference for transfers?</p>

<p>I don't know about transfering to Columbia, but UCSB in general has a loftier academic reputation than does USD. But this is something of an apples and oranges comparison. UCSB = large state research university. USD = smaller private, Catholic school.</p>

<p>If you are the type of person that likes attention, then USD would be a better option. UCSB, being a larger institution, doesn't quite have that one-on-one that USD, being a private and smaller insitution, provides. Beware that USD does have a theology requirement; that is, you must take a few classes in religion (two, I believe). </p>

<p>Price tag is another consideration. UCSB costs less than USD if you're an California resident. </p>

<p>Consider sports also. Both are not Pac 10 schools.</p>

<p>If you like San Diego, there are two other schools there. UCSD and SDSU (San Diego State Univ.) Of those two, I like UCSD. Plus, their science programs are excellent. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Well UCSB ranks higher, but I don't think higher rank will get you in. So I guess I didn't help. Sorry.</p>

<p>Eifful guy said it, both are good schools it's really more of a fit issue. If you are going into certain fields UCSB probably has a bit of an edge and it's cheaper for instaters.</p>

<p>I know several people who went to USD who did just fine when it came to graduate school. I also know several people who went to UCSB and did just fine when it came to graduate school. It really depends on your major as theKev notes. USD is outstanding for biology/chem program (plus there are lots of opportunities in San Diego for internships in biotech), business, communications and Political Science. I'd lean towards UCSB for environmental science and physics, however.</p>

<p>The one difference I would point out between the two schools is that USD tends to have a little bit more of a focus on "real world" types of majors and classes, where as UCSB, like all of the UC's is a little less focused on career preparation in my opinion.</p>

<p>Split the difference and go to UCSD.</p>