Ucsc vs ucr!

<p>Which school is better?? I’ve heard mixed reviews from my friends about both…</p>

<p>UCSC is ranked higher if that’s what you’re looking for, but if its a program you’re looking into you’d better do some research.</p>

<p>Living in Riverside and living in Santa Cruz are two VERY different things. Any UC will provide you with a great education. Choose the school where you feel most comfortable and that has the best fit. If you have not visited UCSC, then I suggest you try to make a trip up there to see if you like the campus; likewise for UCR. Your friends who gave mixed reviews may have chosen the wrong campus for them.</p>

<p>UCSC has one of the most beautiful campuses of any university in the nation. UCR is in Riverside, and seriously, who the hell wants to live in Riverside…??? Enough said, on that front. :]</p>

<p>Also, UCSC was built to focus on undergrad, whereas other UC’s focus on grad studies.</p>

<p>It’s not that I’m biased for Santa Cruz, I’m just biased against the town of Riverside (ew). ;]</p>

<p>Like hidingout said, you’ll get a quality education at any UC, but seriously, UCSC is a better school (in general) than UCR. Plus, you won’t have to live in Riverside (don’t underestimate just how large of a bonus that is)!!!</p>

<p>Definitely UCSC.</p>

<p>I would strongly recommend that you visit both colleges. I haven’t been to Riverside before, but I know one thing, Santa Cruz is definitely the most beautiful college campus I’ve ever seen, and I love the city. Great place.</p>

<p>UCSC for all the above reasons and so much more.</p>

<p>Which one is a better fit for the degree you are after? I agree, Riverside is not someplace I want to live. I’m about an hour from there right now. On the other hand, the degree they offer is better suited to what I am after than any other UC. So I guess it depends on your plans. If either school fits your education plan then I definitely would go for Santa Cruz. I’ve not been there, but have been to general area (Monterey area) to know that I would love the cool ocean breeze and redwood trees galore.</p>

<p>thanks everyone for the tips! (:</p>