***UCSD 2019 FRESHMAN WAITLIST*** Information, Stats and Discussion

@destes sadly not yet, I called and asked for an approximation but unfortunately the person I was speaking to didn’t really have any idea

@ac1234567 ah dang ? thanks for calling! maybe they’ll be doing another day this week

UCSD Admissions noted today that all those Waitlisted technically have until the end of June to notify applicants from Admissions Office. That said, one would think the longer it takes, the less likely the admission. Unless, that is, they release by College, major, etc.

@bigfandave wait they said something today? where?

@ac1234567 Admissions stated, on the phone today, that (and this is clearly stated in the waitlist letter) that responses to WL could run through end of June.

At this point it is like trying to get bread crumbs fallen off the table. Some spots may be made available when some of the WL acceptees turn down UCSD, wave after wave, until it goes to zero. It may be better to apply again as a transfer student in my opinion.

Anyone get taken off the waitlist for computer engineering?

Someone just got accepted off the waitlist on reddit

Actually 3 people got accepted…I think a new wave of acceptance happened today… still no news here☹

Guys I know it’s frustrating but don’t lose hope! There really is no algorithm to it, so don’t try and predict about what’s going to happen to the number accepted as time goes on! It’s literally so random and enigmatic that trying to figure out how they do it will just freak you out and give you unnecessary stress. As hard as it is to not know 100% where you’ll end up, this’ll all be over by June 30th. So enjoy these next few weeks! We all deserve it.

Someone on UCB forum said that UCB took 40% off the waiting list. So I guess UCSD will have more spots

@LukySon omg yes there is hope!

UCB always have roughly 40-50% off the waitlist because many of the students who get accepted there are also accepted to ivy league. Whereas UCSD doesn’t have a lot applicants like that. So I would say this year’s wave is not over but there are not gonna be a lot spot left.

Hello, guys. I am an international student who just got off the waitlist three days ago (May 16th, accepted into Neurobiology and Revelle). But I want to enter UCSD as an undeclared and change my major to Computer Science (I’ll work super hard and willing to be in the lottery).
So here are my questions:
1)UCSD says they will admit 75 qualified students into CSE majors each wave. So about what percentage of students will be accepted into CSE major in one wave?

2)In the worst case -I didn’t get in after two tries- can I transfer to another UC (for example UCI, UCSB) with the CSE courses I took in UCSD (no failing grades as a pre-requisite)?

3)Are the CSE screening courses super hard (I mean do I have to master a lot of advanced data structures like segment trees in these courses)?

Thanks all of you for being so kind and informative (especially @Gumbymom ). This forum helped me a lot when I was waiting for my final decision. Also, congrats to all of those who got accepted!

@Testarossa: Congratulations on your waitlist acceptance. Since you are aware of the hurdles you need to overcome to get into the CS major at UCSD, I will not elaborate upon that area.

Transferring from one UC to another can will also add some hurdles to the process since community college transfers do get priority. If you want to transfer, get a GE reciprocity agreement from UCSD so you do not have to retake any GE’s again at the other UC. Also you would need to maintain a high GPA at UCSD to transfer into a CS program at UCI or UCSB. Some UC’s are more UC to UC transfer friendly than others so I would apply widely to the UC system if it comes to that.

What you need to ask yourself is will you be happy to stay at UCSD if you do not get into the CS major at UCSD and are unable to transfer?

Regarding the screening courses, I cannot personally answer your question but since the whole process of changing majors is difficult, I would imagine the screening courses are not easy.

Best of luck.

@Testarossa: What were your stats? I sm trying to get a sense of where the waitlist is currently. Thanks in advance for your inputs.

Here’s a link to “changing your major to CSE” stats (which are at the bottom of that respective page).

Any news for anyone today?

Nothing here☹

when is the next wave coming out? And are the waves major specific?