UCSD fall 2023 transfers!

Hi guys! I haven’t seen a UCSD thread for this year’s admissions cycle for the co 2025 transfers, so I decided to make one!

My name is Nika and I am a visual arts major from a community college here in San Diego! I am applying for studio or art history I believe.

Please feel free to introduce yourself/ stats below!

I made a discord server for the UCSD co 2025 transfers:

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Do you mean fall 2022…which is NOW? Or 2023?

I was uncertain on how I was supposed to phrase it… I meant this year’s cycle applying for transfer for next year.filling out the app in fall 2022 for fall 2023. Should I change the title?

Changed title and moved to proper discussion forum - UC transfers


UC Application tweeted that UCSD extended their transfer application deadline until Jan 6.

Major: Psychology
GPA: 3.8
Extracurriculars: President of LEO Club, participating in dance program at my CC, volunteered as a TA for a summer enrichment/extended school year program for regular curriculum/special ed elementary students, work 20 hours a week during the school year and summer, had a job in math tutoring then a barista job
IGETC status: Will be completed by Spring 2023

Gender: Female
In-state/OOS/International?: In-state (not local tho, from the Bay Area)
School Type: CCC (California Community College)
Income Bracket: Middle Class
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): I got one W on my transcript as I dropped a class during Fall 2022, also got Ds during highschool but my overall highschool GPA was >3.5, also trying to do a 1-year CC transfer! I completed a lot of credits in HS through dual enrollment, AP classes, and taking CC classes during the summer so I have a big head start on transfering :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:
Where else did you apply/TAG?: UC Irvine (TAG), UC Santa Barbara, UC Riverside, UC Davis, and UCLA

My son is about to finish up AS in Computer Science (CS) with GPA 4.0 in a Cali. community college. I wonder what are his chances of transferring to UCSD for CS or CSE next fall. Any insight would be much appreciated.

Check this site for UC Transfer GPA by major and campus:

For 2022: 14% admit rate for an admit GPA range of 3.92-4.00 for CS

Thank you!

Hello guys. Hope you are doing well. I am a student at USC, but trying to transfer to UCLA or UCSD. I am a pre-med, and I have been working so hard this past two years. Here are my stats. Let me know if you have any questions.
Major: Biological Sciences
GPA: 4.0
Alternate Major: Physiology
#of pre-requisites completed by Fall prior: All of them
Clinical Research Assistant at UCSD School of Medicine Orthopedics Department(published a paper and presented it at Western Medical Research Conference).
Department Coordinator and hospital scholar at COPE SCHOLARS MLKCH(soon will be 280 hrs)
Hospital volunteer indirect patient interaction(220 hrs)
Background acting in movies and shows(Babylon movie and two HBO shows)
Director of Presentation at USC Vision for Vision Club
Summer Health Profession Education program(SHPEP)

IGETC status: Completed
Gender: Male
In-state/OOS/International: In-state(USC)
School Type: USC Private School
Other (strengths, weaknesses, hooks,): I stayed consistent with everything I did. This pre-med journey is very hard guys, but if you stay strong and stay motivated you can do it. I hope UC’s do not reject me because I go to USC and not a CC, but let’s hope for the best. Wish you all best of luck, and let me know if you have any questions.

Hey everyone, I’m a current CCC student.

Major: Political Science
GPA: 3.42
Pre Reqs: All have been completed
Extracurriculars: Part-time job during school, member of school’s softball team

Wishing all of you guys luck!

Any word on when decisions are expected?

So far these approximations are pretty accurate this year

just be cautious, she updates her page as soon as the dates passes. :skull:

No problem with timely updates.

wave tomorrow?

Is anybody else’s portal blank rn

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Accepted with regents scholarship!
4.0 gpa
ICAM- Visual Arts major