<p>I am an italian Student, looking forward to UCSD.
Yesterday I was reading the requirements, but I do not understand - do I have to meet the writing requirements? They are for freshmen, but I also have the TOEFL so...
Second, do I have to write down the high school grades? They want my final school exam, but I do not understand if they also want the grades for different subjects! They want them for freshmen in the USA, because they do not have the 'final' exam.. And if they want the transcripts or grades, which year? We have 5 and I fill apply in mid-5th year.</p>
<p>Sorry if I'm not clear, and thanks so much!</p>
<p>Are you talking about admission requirements or graduation requirements?
Admission requirements are those you need to complete in order to be admitted to the university.
Graduation requirements are those you need to complete in order to graduate from the university.</p>
<p>Admission requirements!</p>
<p>All coursework means I have to give all my grades from the first class to the fifth? </p>
<p>Either yearly averages or term transcripts.
But it’d be your counselor doing that, not you.</p>
<p>What if we do not have a counselor? And I have to report them on the Application so…</p>
<p>Are you already working on your application for 2015?
Before you do this, have you talked with your parents to see whether they do have $50,000 (X4)?
If you don’t have a counselor, it can be any official familiar with your entire file: a head master, head teacher, principal, school prefect… Often you’ll have to translate for them and sit them to them as they fill out the forms for you.</p>
<p>No no, it’s just I want to be prepared.
It is really the headmaster who have to do this? It is not me that submit the common app and the application to the UCSD? Do we have to do this for every school I apply to or only one? (The common app)</p>
<p>No, YOU complete the commonapp (and the UC app), and you invite your headmaster, head teacher, class teacher… as your counselor. Your counselor uploads your transcripts and a recommendation for you.
For the commonapp, you complete your part only once, the counselor (or adult acting as counselor) uploads your transcript etc only once. Then you have to do the supplements for each college.</p>
<p>Ah, thank you, I am sorry I didn’t know that. </p>
<p>Thanks very much!</p>