UCSD transfer GPA

<p>So the new TAG for 2009-2010 regarding Fall 2009 states that you must have a minimum GPA of at least a 3.0 by the end of THIS Fall through Spring 2009, UC math and English requirement finished by the end of THIS Fall, 60 units completed ( by the end of spring?...) and IGETC completed, (also by the end of Spring..?)</p>

<p>Which ever way it may be, I have successfully fulfilled the units and math and english section by the end of this fall. HOWEVER, I now have a weighted GPA of about 3.03, and I didn't do so hot this semester, which will make my GPA drop to at least a 2.8.....completely voiding my TAG. </p>

<p>What are my chances of getting into UCSD with a 2.8 GPA???</p>

<p>IGETC completed
60 Units Completed
Poli Sci Major with all major reqs completed.
My only problem is my 2.8 GPA that I will possibly have by the end of this semester.
And I'm really really stressing out about it b/c I've been in CC for 3 years...I really want in to UCSD.</p>

<p>I was told by an advisor at UCSD that having over a 2.9 after fall semester is all you really need for most majors, as long as you clear all the required courses. And as far as not having completed the math and english by fall, I’m positive that’s not the case. You just need to finish them with a C or better by the end of spring semester. You still have a decent chance with a 2.8 I think, hopefully you have an upward trend!</p>

<p>Do you have a TAG agreement?</p>

<p>yeah I have the new TAG agreement, I checked it when I applied, so I’m eligible technically. What I’m saying is, my agreement is going to be void b/c my 3.03 is possibly dropping to a 2.8-2.9 range by the end of this semester</p>

<p>“And as far as not having completed the math and english by fall, I’m positive that’s not the case”</p>

<p>From UCSD TAG website under eligibility:
“Both UC English courses and the UC math course must be completed by the end of Fall term prior to Fall admission, and by the end of Summer term prior to Winter admission”
[Prospective</a> Students: Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) 2009-2010](<a href=“http://www.ucsd.edu/portal/site/ucsd/menuitem.135225ab0c7ce3c0c0020010d34b01ca/?vgnextoid=9231fe161e386110VgnVCM10000064b410acRCRD]Prospective”>http://www.ucsd.edu/portal/site/ucsd/menuitem.135225ab0c7ce3c0c0020010d34b01ca/?vgnextoid=9231fe161e386110VgnVCM10000064b410acRCRD)</p>

<p>my mistake. i forgot he/she was talking about the TAG.</p>

<p>yeah I’ll have everything completed by this fall…everything…units, major prep, IgetC, Math, and English. Like I said… y only worry is my GPA</p>

<p>You have great motivation to raise your GPA.</p>

<p>for UCSD TAG, do you need to complete your GE’s in sequences?</p>

<p>no, you did though before fall 09’.</p>


<p>do you HAVE to finish your major pre-reqs to sign TAG, or just most of them? i’m a biology major, so i don’t know if its different.</p>


<p>Just wait until your transfer center opens after the holiday and you can get all the info you need. You have plenty of time now as this years tag deadline just passed, and it can’t be submitted early.</p>



<p>No. The requirements are clear-cut and stated above. You do have to finish all the pre-reqs by the end of Spring for your TAG to be valid, but not before signing the TAG, which should have happened this semester (I think?).</p>



<p>I’ve been looking for information specifically about that (major pre-reqs) concerning UCSD’s TAG, do you have a link or information about where you read or heard that?</p>

<p>do you have to clear all pre-reqs even for high unit majors? because i heard that for people who major in engineering and bio (i’m a bio major), they don’t necessarily have to finish all, just most of them, but i wasn’t too sure…</p>


<p>When I talked to a UCSD Admissions Rep about my TAG (econ mang.), I was informed that I didn’t have to have my 100% of my pre-reqs completed. However, she did say it would be beneficial so if I transfer, I would hit the ground running…so to speak</p>

<p>A good GPA to transfer would be above a 3.5…it states that this is their average transfer student so goodluck.</p>

<p>I was told that you have a year to complete IGETS after transfer to any UC other then CAL or UCLA</p>

<p>that doesn’t make any sense; IGETC is a general articulation agreement for california community college classes, either it’s finished or it’s not. If not, you then have to finished whatever the general ed requirements for that UC are that you are deficient. In relation to UCSD and TAG
“Full completion of IGETC is required. UCSD must receive your IGETC certification form by July 15, 2009, for Fall Quarter 2009 (IGETC completed by end of Spring 2009), and Sept. 15, 2009, for Winter Quarter 2010 (IGETC completed by end of Summer 2009).”
[Prospective</a> Students: Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) 2009-2010](<a href=“http://www.ucsd.edu/portal/site/ucsd/menuitem.135225ab0c7ce3c0c0020010d34b01ca/?vgnextoid=9231fe161e386110VgnVCM10000064b410acRCRD]Prospective”>http://www.ucsd.edu/portal/site/ucsd/menuitem.135225ab0c7ce3c0c0020010d34b01ca/?vgnextoid=9231fe161e386110VgnVCM10000064b410acRCRD)</p>

<p>question does anything said here two years ago still apply? because im in the same boat as the original poster :/</p>