<p><a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/groupsatucsd/?from=332680590118927%5B/url%5D">https://www.facebook.com/groups/groupsatucsd/?from=332680590118927</a></p>
<p>That link, my friends, is the Facebook group for UCSD students!
Make sure to join the transfer students group, as well as other groups that may apply to you. </p>
<p>Class of 2012 Transfer Students, congratulations to you all. </p>
<p>SO stoked for Fall semester!</p>
<p>lol I meant fall quarter.</p>
<p>For those of you who TAGed to UCSD</p>
<p>I sent this to ms. sun on facebook: </p>
<p>Hi Ms. Sun I am transferring to UCSD fall 2012. I applied using TAG. The TAG brochure says that I must maintain an overall 3.5 GPA by the end of Spring 2012. However, the provisional contract states that I only need to have a 2.0 GPA and an overall 3.0 GPA. Which rules do I follow?</p>
<p>She replies: </p>
<p>Ask Ms. Sun:
Ooh, I think UCSD might’ve messed up. I know for TAG you need to maintain the 3.5 through the end of Spring term. Check your UCSD acccount or the contract for a TAG contact person, or call the admissions office and ask to speak to a TAG advisor so you can verify the information. I’d love to hear what you find out.</p>
<p>I am so confused. Im hearing different things left and right. Considering ms. sun is apparently an expert at UC admissions, I am quite scared that I may not maintain a 3.5 overall. ■■■</p>
<p>The contract says 3.0 so it should be a 3.0 overall and 2.0 in spring…
if it’s 3.5 I’m screwed but we already signed the contract saying we need a 3.0 overall.
Therefore, we can point that out to them.</p>
<p>Yeah thats what the contract says! Omg I really hope that this 3.5 thing is a mistake.</p>
<p>if it’s 3.5 maintenance until spring I’m sure many MANY transfers would have a problem with that. </p>
<p>I started slacking a bit…I’m sure other people have been slacking as well. </p>
<p>Besides, if the contract specifically told us that we need to have a 3.0, it should be like that. If they decide to change it on us, many students would complain.
It is their fault, even if it was a mistake. </p>
<p>Not to mention that we signed it already too…</p>
<p>I’ll call tomorrow and ask them. I’m worried now.</p>
<p>Goodness, this unnecessary pressure is killing me. Maintaining an overall 3.5 is hard work, especially for a student who barely had a 3.5 for the TAG application. </p>
Please call them tomorrow and let me know. </p>
<p>UCs have made mistake before. UCLA accidentally admitted all frosh wait listers, I’m sure they had no problem revoking their acceptances.
Hope UCSD isn’t as unsympathetic.</p>
<p>i just saw that you were on another thread in April. </p>
<p>“ahhh, thank you. makes me feel so much better. and no you didn’t sound snotty, just very straightforward, which is good! I’m sure that I will still graduate with a 3.5 or above though. I just hate the unnecessary pressure. Thank you so much. Hope to run into you at UCSD next fall”</p>
<p>lol don’t worry. like the response said, they’ll get in trouble if they don’t follow the contract they released to us. </p>
<p>it should be a 3.0.
you should call them just in case as well.</p>
<p>I found this from someone who actually called them already to make sure. </p>
<p>“You should be okay (: as long as you notify them that there was a change. However all that is needed to keep TAG is fulfilling IGETC, english requirement and the math one. If calc 2 is an extra math class out of the math requirement, it’s fine. Also another tid bit, you don’t need to maintain 3.5 gpa, only a 3.0 by spring. I was surprised too but the UCSD admin office told me this directly when I called them. You had to have a 3.5 gpa when you applied for TAG but once accepted, you only need to maintain a 3.0. So relax and just finish your classes! TAG however is only a guarantee to UCSD, not guarantee of admission to major, but if your classes are for your major still, then you are fine.”</p>
<p>I should let ms. sun know</p>
<p>Do rooms in the village provide a TV and Xbox 360s with xbox live?</p>
<p>^i cant tell if your serious or not</p>
<p>Anyways what was the verdict? I have been debating how much effort to put into finishing out this semester considering one’s GPA doesn’t transfer at all. And you basically just have to pass your classes.</p>
<p>Well according the the last few posts. We need to maintain only a 3.0 overall.
I can call again on Monday. Office hours are Monday-Friday 8 am to 430 pm :(</p>
<p>■■■, I just called admissions at UCSD. A lady told me that a 3.5 overall gpa must be maintained by end of spring. I am so scared :(</p>
<p>Nvm she called back and clarified. It’s 3.0 Overall gpa guys! Not 3.5.
And a 2.0 for spring semester. </p>
<p>She specifically said that they must honor their contract (the provisional contract) </p>
<p>My life is saved 
Refer back to this thread if anybody else has this problem.</p>