UCSD Transfer

<p>Applied: UCSD, UCI
Major: Philosophy
GPA: currently 2.98, will be 3.1 after this semester w/ def upward swing
Exactly 90 transferable units: 60 from 4-year (with a lot of upper division), 30 from CCC for this fall and next spring
Personal statement really strong, no TAG but all pre-req's cleared.
SDSU Study abroad credits from Thailand.</p>

<p>Christ Almighty I need to get into UCSD!
I won't have TAG or IGETC completed, but I have all the prereq's cleared, will I be able to get in with a 3.1? I also will be considered "Priority Admission" since I'm taking 30 credits over 2 semesters at a CCC.</p>

<p>What do you guys think? Decent shot?

<p>it depends alot on the CC too, with mine its pretty much a 100% guarantee as long as your GPA is over 2.9, i hear they dont even read your essay if your above 2.9. Although ive heard of another CCs gpa req for SD hovering around 3.2-3.3</p>

<p>I go to San Diego City, which I’m guessing is one of UCSD’s main transfer sources.</p>

<p>I would like to see one piece of evidence that it is easier to transfer from one ccc than another.</p>

<p>Yeah I didn’t think it mattered.</p>

<p>well my counselor said 2.9 at glendale community college, i have a friend at Elco community college who said their counselor said they should have about 3.2-3.3, unless this friend lied to me, id assume there would be some slight differences.</p>

<p>I usually can’t the same answer from two different counselors at my own school, let alone between two different schools. I don’t think this is very uncommon either…</p>

<p>Yeah I agree. Although I’ve <heard> 2.9 is the min for UCSD transfers who meet the minimum req’s and have at least 30 credits or 2 semesters @ a CCC. But searching through these threads it seems like people are worried about being accepted with a 3.5. Just wish I could be more sure about where I’m living next fall.</heard></p>

<p>I would not trust counselors <b>at all</b>. They say one thing today and completely the opposite tomorrow. At least, my counselors…One day my honors counselor said that Elit 10 (Introduction to Literature, English 49) does not complete “humanities” requirement for IGETC and I have to sign up for a different class (when I already had 18 units) and two months later she told me it perfectly completes the requirement. I am still not sure if transfer students can go over 70 units (I have 76 so far) and my counselors could not answer this question. I found the information on the UCs website. Always look for statistics!</p>

<p>I can assuredly told you i got into UCSD with a 3.06 cumulative in Biology, an impacted major. This is my 2nd time applying to the UC’s and my 3rd year in JC, im trying to get into a UC much closer to my location.</p>

<p>When you talk about GPA, you really have to consider which major you are talking about as well. For instance, science majors have to take harder classes so they usually get in with a lower GPA than say a business or liberal arts major. Also, yes, you can go over 70 units. I will be having almost 135 quarter units when I transfer, but since they are all from CC’s, I am fine.</p>

<p>Statistically, at least for UCs, the difficult science major’s average GPA is usually extremely high for the accepted party, more so than many liberal arts majors.</p>