UCSD Undeclared or UCI CS?

I’ve seen this same discussion multiple times yet I still find myself unable to decide. I absolutely love UCSD, I went for Triton Day and I think the overall milieu and vibe of the school is somewhere that I REALLY want to go. Yet, the only thing that is holding me back from instantly signing off on that SIR is the fact that I was switched into undeclared as I guess my stats weren’t good enough to warrant me a spot for CS. CS is what I REALLY want to do in college and I’m not very open to the idea of any other alternative majors which is why I’m very iffy about going to UCSD now because CS is probably the most competitive major to switch into at UCSD. It would require me to practically get a 4.0 in my required courses to switch and even that takes a bit of chance. I’m fairly confident in my capability to study hard and get straight A’s but there is always that possibility of me messing up here or there or getting an A- in a CS course and ending up with a 3.8-3.9 that would surely cut me off just like that, especially with the ever-escalating popularity of CS thats requiring students at UCSD to essentially get a 4.0 to have a shot to transfer. If I went to UCI, I wouldn’t have to worry about this as I’m already safely secured into the Donald Bren School of CS but the problem is that I don’t really like UCI and the area. So, I would definitely like some insight or thoughts on this matter.

UCSD has switched to a lottery for all students who have a 3.3 or higher GPA in the prerequisites. However, since the previous thresholds were 3.9 or 4.0, a lottery including all applicants down to 3.3 will have poor odds of success (at most two tries are allowed).

Go to UCI if majoring in CS is a priority.

Take the sure thing. Estimates I have seen here are that 10% of pre-CSE majors at UCSD will get in. This advice is from a UCSD alumnus. Very sorry that my alma mater has come to this.

Ty guys, I’ll visit UCI one more time this weekend to give it another shot.

There is some transferring going on between UCs. I guess it’s possible that if you went to Irvine for two years you would have a chance at UCSD Computer Science by applying to transfer.

Sorry you are struggling with this. Seems to me that instead of admitting the extra CS-wannabees undeclared they should have put them on a waitlist for getting admitted with the CS major after others declined.

UCSD and UCI are more alike than they are different. The only rational choice given what you have said is to go to UCI. I will say that UCI’s CS program seems to have an incredible amount of flexibility, and I like the fact that it has an identity outside of engineering.

@pitysexting Hey! I’m in the same situation. It would be better not to gamble with your future. There is always the possibility of intercampus transfer, which is something I’m considering. Do two years at UCI, take the prerequisites required for UCSD (and others), and apply to transfer. Granted this is still extremely competitive.