Hi all, I’m stuck deciding between these three schools
UCSD for Math & Econ ($9,000 to attend)
UCSB Economics and Accounting ($13,600 to attend)
University of Washington Seattle Business Admin; direct admit to Foster School of Business ($45,000 to attend but would not go to graduate school whereas if I went to the UCs, I would go to graduate)
Thank you for any help!
By “graduate school”, do you mean PhD in economics or business, or a professional school for MBA or MFE, or something else?
Washington is quite uncompetitive for you on the cost side.
By graduate school, I’m leaning towards MBA for business. Still iffy though.
Cost wise, UW is definitely a loss; however, the business connections after an undergrad degree lands you a high-paying job right out of school. Additionally, since only around 200 students get admitted directly, I’m scared denying UW will be a missed opportunity.
UCSD and UCSB are cheaper than Washington by enough that the difference can pay for an MBA program. Of course, if you do not do an MBA, you will save a substantial amount of money with UCSD or UCSB.
In any case, MBA programs are best done after post BA/BS work experience.
How much interest do you have in accounting versus subjects that may use higher level math (quantitative economics, econometrics, quantitative finance)?
@eviternity Congrats on 3 great options. From a recruiter perspective at a F100 company, I can tell you that UW is not a competitive advantage over UCSD or UCSB. Perhaps in the state of Washington, but certainly not outside. They’re all 3 great schools that will likely open the same doors and have the same companies recruiting at their career fairs (and even then, few are hired at college career fairs and you’ll likely need to network with alumni/connect through LinkedIn etc anyhow). Unless your long-term goal is to live in Washington and build your connections there, I think it would be tough to justify the cost over 2 other great options.
Accounting is desirable to me because of the doors it opens in the job market and the ease to be employed but other than that, it’s a meh career. My dream career would be a financial analyst or consultant, which needs graduate school.
@BayAreaRecruiter I was mainly worried over the quality/quantity of companies that recruit between these three colleges but your advice has eased my mind. Thank you!
UCSD then a master’s in finance. MBA much later.
Hey, you’re the one that gets to go to a great school for a fire-sale price. Pat yourself on the back!
@Dunboyne haha yeah I’m extremely grateful
Thanks for the encouragement
If it was me I’d just do UCSD. Math + Econ would put you on a great track that could set you up for being a Quant/Actuary and those guys make big bucks. You would have saved a bunch of money you could spend on getting a MBA, MSF, or MFE.
@philbegas I’ll research and consider that option. Thanks!