<p>Mmm basketball/soccer…my 2 favorite sports. I just want somebody who is motivated to study, get girls and not play video games 24/7. I love video games, but you have thousands of smoking females around you in beautiful weather, what are you doing inside??</p>
<p>See there we go. I’m down to play a video game every now and then, just not 6 freakin hours a day (that’s not an exaggeration.)</p>
<p>@Grimes99 I don’t think its cool to talk about people behind their backs, especially on the internet. If you have a problem with your roommate or suite mate tell them to their face.</p>
<p>Uhh, I don’t have a problem with my roommates. I said he plays video games a lot. That’s his personal choice and I’m not attempting to change him, nor do I have any right to do so. I’m just saying that my preference would be for a roommate who is more active and enjoys going out and doing things. I’m just giving my (anonymous) observations. If everyone confronted their subjects face-to-face over every irrelevant matter, this world would be FUBAR. He’s a nice guy, just plays a lot of video games.</p>
<p>I think the context in which you are talking about your roommate by calling someone an “urber-nerd” who plays video games for 6 hours isn’t nice. Seriously, you need to grow up.</p>
<p>The context is that he’s my roommate and plays a lot of video games… there’s no context outside of that. I’m a nerd. That’s not a slur. He does play video games for 6 hours and my only point in saying so was to partially explain why I’m still up in the air over whether or not to stay here for the fall (not directed at you, for the record.) </p>
<p>No need to get butthurt, sparky.</p>
<p>I can’t imagine what did you expect grimes to tell that guy? “Hey man, umm stop playing video games, I don’t like that…and go play basketball with me”</p>
<p>that’s not how it works.</p>
<p>lol seriously. I’m not saying he’s a bad person at all nor that I dislike him by any stretch. He’s a nice guy when I talk to him, he just has different interests than me it seems.</p>
<p>I can play video games for up to 6 hours a day, and I’d be darn proud if someone recognized my extreme commitment.</p>
<p>Grimes said absolutely nothing wrong.</p>
<p>Hahahaha noted!</p>
<p>@Grimes99: Now you’re trying to call me names “Don’t get butthurt, sparky”. People like you that try to make themselves “cool” on a college form by putting down other people is sad. I never called you any names and yet you retort to name calling.</p>
<p>@Anacondrea: Nobody was talking to you.</p>
<p>You told me to “grow up” despite me being older than you. </p>
<p>The ironic thing is, nobody was talking to you. Ever. You interjected all on your own kiddo.</p>
<p>If you’re posting on a public forum, you’re talking to everyone.</p>
<p>He’s just angry for no apparent reason.</p>
<p>I’m the author of this discussion board question. So yes, when I see someone trying to make themselves sound cool or macho by bashing someone else I’m going to say something. I wouldn’t be afraid to tell you to your face either.</p>
<p>LOL cool or macho? Yes because NOT playing video games 6 hours a day makes me so rad. I’m pretty much the coolest person on campus. Just by default. </p>
<p>Also, HAHAHAHA @ you accusing me of trying to sound tough, but then you drop the “I wouldn’t be afraid to tell it to your face also” You’re a true maverick internet tough guy.</p>
<p>Really Anacondrea? I’m pretty sure when use the @ symbol which mean at someone I was directing my comments to them not you. You can go ahead and suck up and be grimes cheerleader all you want I don’t care.</p>
<p>Dude you’re the one calling people nerds and making a mockery of how they like to spend their time. I just checked you on it, if I’m anywhere I will say something. It doesn’t matter if I’m on a college forum or hear someone talking about someone in class.</p>
<p>Wow you are an angry little one haha. Seriously, calm down. You’re acting like someone just insulted your mother in here. </p>
<p>Did I make an @ symbol prior to your first reply to me? No? Then I wasn’t talking to you. Follow your own advice and stand down if you want to be consistent.</p>