<p>How exactly is this calculated?? like is an A a 4? and also how many extra points do APs get you? honors? </p>
<p>thank you</p>
<p>How exactly is this calculated?? like is an A a 4? and also how many extra points do APs get you? honors? </p>
<p>thank you</p>
<p>honors: +0.5
AP: +1.0</p>
<p>According to the UF website, they take it as your school gives it. They take the GPA that your school gives them, minus non-academics. So, however your school does it is what they see. Keep in mind, though, that they also take into account variabilities in grading procedures… for example, some schools give three extra GPA points for AP classes. My school gives none (thought we only have two AP courses).</p>