UF Transfer thread Fall 09

<p>Last name begins with M…I’m hoping this is the week!</p>

<p>CLAS decisions are supposed to all be out by thursday the 30th.</p>

<p>last name W…thus, the BMW username. This has GOT to be the week.</p>

<p>…but of course it won’t</p>

<p>I agree with you, Tebow. Ever since rsala got accepted, you and her have switched roles of *******. LOL :)</p>

<p>if anyone contacts CALS this week let us know, im getting rather impatient. i got into michigan and they need to know asap, as well as if i need to move up there…</p>

<p>Michigan is cold as hell man.</p>

<p>ya i know i lived there for 10 yrs… i cant keep bugging these people at CALS, but i need an answer soon</p>

<p>I finally got a response from someone else i emailed in CALS, and apparently admissions is entirely handled by Emelie Matthews and no one really knows anything else. So I know for a fact they said they’d be done with summer applicants on May 1st. So fall decisions i assume will roll out from then till june 1st.</p>

<p>There is a new “role” in myufl. If someone who is still waiting and someone who is accepted could see if anything has changed for you it would be great. I figure its nothing, but at least its a change.</p>

<p>what roles do you have?</p>


<p>I know there is a PA_student one which my friend who is a student has. I’m sure everyone got it but its a change and i’m just wondering why.</p>

<p>ya that would help</p>

<p>yeah those are the ones my bf has. I just have the one (UF<em>PA</em>Student) more.</p>

<p>I thought so. Well the wait continues. It seems like they keep all the relevant information centered with just a few people who have no desire to inform anyone else.</p>

<p>Wvvet, I have those exact 4 roles as well on myUFL…I hope it means something good!</p>

<p>It means we arent students yet lol.</p>

<p>Same here Wvvet; i also have those roles. Its probablly nothing, but in the mail today I got a bunch of housing flyers from various Gainesville apartments. They were personally adressed to me, but I haven’t given out my info, except to the university. Idk if its possible that the university can release info to local housing, but it kind of got me excited. I’m just praying my hopes don’t get smashed :-/</p>

<p>Yeah, I think most people in this situation of waiting for a decision, has brought forth a sort of paranoia where we search for a meaning in everything involved with UF. Or maybe thats just me.</p>

<p>These are the 5 rolls that students have. Mine updated the day after my status changed to accepted. </p>

<p>PAPP_USER Access the base objects in the Enterprise Portal features. Every user (other than GUEST) in the system should be assigned this role along with the “PeopleSoft User” role. Delivered as base access on system items controlled by privilege sets. (See Installation Options to swap out this role in the assigned privilege sets.)</p>

<p>UF<em>PA</em>AuthUsers Default role assigned to all users with a valid GatorLink account. Provides basic access to myUFL content and services.</p>

<p>**UF<em>PA</em>Student ** Role assigned to students. Provides access to the student tab, student news and student specific menu items.</p>

<p>UF<em>SF</em>STUDENT_SS This role is automatically assigned to users with a University affiliation. This is a Self Service role allowing users to view their debts, service indicators and other related items. This is access to student financials, not student access.</p>

<p>UF<em>SS</em>USER Universal role that allows user to sign-on</p>