UF Transfer thread Fall 09

<p>i’d be happy if white went to the dolphins, imagine the wildcat with pat white and ronnie brown in there</p>

<p>My team already made our first round pick (and next years, lol) and received a promising young proven Pro Bowl QB. Can’t get much better than that :slight_smile: Go Bears! But I’m hoping WR Kenny Brit slides to the Bears in the 2nd. Sincerely doubtful though.</p>

<p>I say the Redskins make a big move and acquire Sanchez. They have been drooling over him. Plus they are ticked they didn’t win the Jay Cutler derby</p>

<p>the skins drool over everyone, js.</p>

<p>Pat White will not be a dolphin unfortunately. ( Not parcells type) i see them drafting a linebacker (whoever is left from the usc core or laurinitis) then pick up a WR in the second round. im a huge gator fan… its sad to see percy harvin fail a drug test… he will fall to the mid 2nd round… possibly to the jets or even possibly the dolphins (crosses fingers)</p>

<p>lol@ pat white not fitting parcells system but Percy fitting, lol</p>

<p>I’ll second that. I just want him to have a shot at proving himself at QB, just a chance that’s all i ask lol.</p>

<p>OOOO SNAP, Pat White…Dolphins are now my favorite team, all those years of hating the dolphins has come to a swift and complete stop</p>

<p>im truly shocked… pat white went to the dolphins, but im very happy he did. he is not a parcells type of guy but will be running the wildcat im sure =)</p>

<p>Kinda wish pat white went to the texans with slaton! At least I have a reason to watch the dolphins now. That wildcat offense is gonna be ridiculous considering pat white is faster than brown AND can throw. </p>

I went to the USF WVU game 2 years back and almost held a lifelong grudge against white for his fake injury. </p>

<p>I think my giants could’ve chosen better.</p>

<p>the real question is… will Percy mesh with the vikings offense and develop into the next randy moss? My only concern about Percy is durability in a much more physical NFL.</p>

<p>Slaton and White 2.0 would have been amazing especially since Schaub cant stay healthy. I’m interested to see what happens, and btw NFL network is so much better than ESPN. ESPN has gone downhill so far I can barely watch the fools the put on air. I mean Mcshay, really. Keyshawn ***. And i dont know if its just me but does anyone really find Berman that funny anymore?</p>

<p>Berman is good for NFL weekly season highlights…but that’s it. Anyone watch the Bulls Celtics game? WOW. Go baby Bulls!!</p>

<p>franZ Joseph out of fau is a beast and STILL undrafted!!!</p>

<p>Dolphins need to wise up</p>

<p>It’s too bad all this lighthearted draft talk will transform back into anxiety and frustration tomorrow.</p>

<p>those from CLAS who’ve yet to receive a decision do you have last name’s beginning with a letter near the end of the alphabet?</p>

<p>a coworker and i with similar grades, same major… same letter of our last names have yet to receive a decision…</p>

<p>i wonder if they’re doing it that way?</p>

<p>lol…last name starts with Sa , got decision april 15.
continue theorizing</p>

<p>you’ve become a wise ass since you got accepted.</p>


…/…lol what??..,:”…/
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<p>I was told they mixed up all the applications in CALS at least but the practice probably applies in other colleges</p>