UF vs. UM

<p>Wow! What an outpour of responses and insights!!! Thank you! </p>

<p>I feel a lot more comfortable with UM now, after this latest round of info, but I'm still concerned with the expenses. </p>

<p>I'm glad to hear about the students who are there only because of the scholarships, because otherwise UM would not be a choice. </p>

<p>Regarding UM, I'm glad to hear more about the diversity. There seems to be some disagreement in these posts regarding how diverse the campus is. It is surprising to hear from bananas that the dorm only had 4 students out of 40 who might be considered "diverse". But that is the kind of insight from students that really helps get a better (more complete) picture. </p>

<p>I like the research potential at UF, it has amazing facilities for just about every science. I am not familiar with what the undergraduate options are to do their own research at UM. Is anyone familiar with the opportunities at UM to do your own undergrad research? Is there funding available for undergrad research at UM? </p>

<p>There seems to be agreement in many posts that UF's class sizes are too large. I'm wondering, is that at the upper level too? Are UF class sizes still larger than 25 students in the upper level classes (junior and senior year)? I had the impression that through UF honors you pretty much took your honors classes for the first two years, and thereby avoided classes larger than 25 students. Can students actually take all honors classes those first two years at UF? </p>

<p>Professors: </p>

<p>At UM, are students receiving the personal attention from professors one hopes for at private colleges? </p>

<p>Are there plenty of professors to choose from in each department? </p>

<p>I noticed there are part-time professors at UM. Generally, I don't see that as a good sign. Any comments on the quality and consistency of the part-time professors, and are they teaching the upper level classes? </p>

<p>True Cost:
What is the true cost of going to UM and or UF? Estimates of personal expenses, clothing, transportation, computer are $3400 higher at UM. Oddly, books are also estimated at $300 higher at UM, accounting for a $3,700 a year difference just on the basis of expenses that are not related to tuition, room or board. </p>

<p>Are the UF estimates of expenses low? Are the UM estimates of expenses high? Are they both accurate? Are there a lot of expenses that are being left out? I noticed, for example, that the cost of medical insurance on campus was not included in the UM list of optional fees. I noticed that the usual student "Fees" are not listed in the UF list of expenses. What other "optional" fees are not listed? </p>

<p>(Breakdown of expenses and fees: clothing and personal, $1800 higher at UM, computer $400 higher at UM, Local transportation $870 higher at UM, Books $290 higher at UM) (Books and supplies: UF$960 vs UM$1250, Fees UF$0? vs UM$648, Computer UF$1100 vs UM$1500, Local Transportation UF$480 vs UM$1350, Gen Exp & Clothing UF$620 vs UM$2456, Optional Health Insurance UF$1640 vs UM$1438, Tuition UF$3,790 vs UM$35,540).</p>

<p>UNKNOWN EXPENSE: Summer Travel not covered by tuition scholarships ....</p>

<p>How much did that summer study abroad program cost through UM? And through UF? </p>

<p>Can students do their overseas study with a State University rather than UM and transfer the credit hours in? I suppose that might be awkward if your friends are going to study abroad with UM.... and your UM professors are promoting their study abroad summer trips .... and your class mates are going on that UM trip.... </p>

<p>I wonder if it is too late for her to have an overnight stay at UM? At UF? </p>

<p>Thanks everyone for all your input.</p>

<p>I'll give you my input based on our experience, my son is a senior at Miami.</p>

<li><p>Diversity. Freshman year my S's dormmates were Indian, Bahamanian, African-American and Caucasians from Kansas and Louisiana to name a few. There is also a strong South America vibe to the campus as well. My concern with the diversity question is that it's based on an individual standard. I find the students there to be very diverse, others may feel there "aren't enough" of a particular group. My S has friends from Spain and Greece, who at quick glance would appear to be "only" Caucasian, but I assure you their backgrounds and experiences are very different from the typical US raised student.</p></li>
<li><p>Professors. He has no experience with part-time professors. You'll be responsible for establishing personal relationships with professors. We have found that if the student makes the effort, the professors are very helpful. My S is very involved in Marine research because of his relationships with various profs. But, just like in life, the person who asks for help gets help.</p></li>
<li><p>True Cost. There are a lot of wealthy students on campus, just walk through the student parking lot, it looks like a BMW convention is in town. That said, my S, who is not part of that group, has had no issue moving between groups. His major clothing expense has been for flip-flops. If your D runs with the Dolce & Gabbana crowd, then her costs will be higher.</p></li>

<p>Computer costs: Again this is what you choose to buy. Miami like Florida has its own student discount program I didn't find UM's prices to be radically different than anyone else's college discount program.</p>

<p>Transportation: I don't understand this discrepancy. It is very cheap to fly in and out of Miami. Maybe it's more expensive to take a train from Miami to NYC than from Gainesville but not $900 worth. Travel
on the subway is virtually free for UM students and there are free student shuttles to the beach and local attractions.</p>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>

<p>Minority of population at UF = 27.2% of the student body. Which is Top 5 for public universities.</p>

<p>Also almost 4,000 students at UF are international (which is higher than UM).</p>

<p>UF also has a better Peer Assesment Score - this is based almost entirely on the strength of faculty.</p>

<p>Check out this link to notable UF Faculty:</p>

<p>List</a> of University of Florida faculty and administrators - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p>

<p>Hey Bick,</p>

<p>Bright kids here, they can read Wikipedia/US News/UF Press releases just as easy as you can re-hash it for them...for the billionth time</p>

<p>Anybody still choosing between the two (it is really getting down to crunch time), let me share a personnel experience. DS had exactly the same choice. At the visits, UM staff was really helpful, tour was great and time to meet and talk to profs. UF? Smugness, tour was weak (ended at the football stadium...priorities?), no profs. UM was the choice, now he is a campus leader there, studying abroad. Sometimes first impressions are the most telling impressions. Don't judge by one school being #49 and one #51, separated by a point in scoring, both in the top 20% of US News. You got into to two top institutions, go to the one that fits you best.</p>