ug boy advice

<p>Okay, I need some BOY ADVICE hehe. I am a very silly very socially paranoid girl who over analyzes everything, so I'm trying to get a touch of perspective via some other people's opinions. There's this guy I realllly like, who I was friends with, then he stopped sitting next to me in class or eating lunch with me (and other people). I thought he stopped wanting to be my friend and then convnced myself that if he didn't wnt to be my friend I didnt want to be his, so then today I get this email from him and am rediculously happy about it as I see it as potential. Am I looking too much into this? What do you all think of this email? I switched names and stuff so even if you know me in rl you shoulnd't be able to tell the specifics. </p>

<p>hey this is not how i would like to talk to you,
but i need to get something out of my head right
now. ive been thinking alot and tonight i was
talking to someone and i realized that i have
completely forgotten to talk to you in the past
weeks. basically im going to come straight out
and tell you a few things. when i first met you i
thought you were a really different person,
someone that was willing to be themself no matter
what. there were a few things that annoyed me
about you and so i tended to shy away. but then i
thought to myself and forced myself to talk to you
and i realized that you are a really cool cat, (ps
that has nothing to do with you being a potter,
but that didnt hurt either). so you probably
noticed that i was talking to you a little more
because finding someone thats cool in my book is
very hard to do. around this time jane and
dana stopped sitting near us in class for
various reasons, yet i continued to. then the
**** hit the fan with jane and i, and im so annoyed
with her right now that i cant even sit near her,
so i moved to the back of the room. i basically
spent 200 words right here to say that it has
nothing to do with you and that id like to be
friends with you... so whatev and ill see you on
monday (but from the back of the room).
call/text if you wanna hang out some time</p>

<p>Am I reading too much into that to think that <em>maybe</em> he likes me too? Damn I hate being a silly little child-woman</p>

<p>i think he just wants to make sure yall are cool and that you weren't offended. hang out enough and then you can see if he likes you like that.</p>

<p>its kinda up in the air, since he uses the word friends specifically. yuo should continue to be friends with him, since it seems you have fun hanging out.. and see where it goes from there. good luck :)</p>

<p>Don't be friends with people who cannot capitalize. (No offence, kristin and curiouskatie.)</p>

<p>Hmmm, are Dawson Creek, 90210, or even Ryan's Hope returning and All My Children becoming the rage on campus again????...........</p>


<p>ah... you're like me... just over-analyzing everything relating to men. We're all about love drama.</p>

<p>Fortunately for you, I haven't heard too much from MY guy who hasn't been forthcoming since our formal two weeks ago!!!!</p>

<p>It's great to see a successful relationship based on a mutual love for marijuana.</p>

<p>ummm ask him? If you dont ask him, but continue being friends your gunna take his gestures/intentions higher then they were suppose to be. So if he doesnt like you, but your thinking he does, and he ends up with a new girlfriend (not you), your gunna be mad, and REALLY jelous. But if you know that he doesn't, try to move on.</p>

<p>See, if I ask him it will make the friendship WAY weird, and if we can't be more I still deffinetly want to be his friend. Like I would prefer him get a gf and me be jelous but still his friend than me ask him if he likes me, make things akward, and not be his friend.</p>

<p>Oh boy, I wish we were all a-sexual worms who never even had to think about this stuff... life would be so much simpler!</p>

<p>never wish for asexuality.</p>

<p>slorg, you're a douche.</p>

<p>whats the worst he can say? No? Time will heal, and if he doesnt in no time you'll just be friends and think nothing of it, but if he does, you wouldn't be happier that you asked.</p>

<p>That's a funny point Gracie. Oh yeah stop smoking weed if your paranoid, trust me on that one peace.</p>

<p>NosNs3, the worst he can say is 'no' and then she'll be stuck with an awkward and possibly unsavable sort-of-friendship. I'd just keep it to yourself for now, be friends with him and either see how it develops or wait for him to make the first move(real men do, anyhow).</p>

<p>Though if you get to know him well enough that you don't feel it would jeopardize your friendship, then by all means tell him and at worst he'll be flattered.</p>

<p>Oh yeah and don't read too much into things. That's always bad news(I do it too).</p>

<p>I think I'll just keep it to myself. . . . we're going to a lecture thing together, tonight and I'm just so glad to have him back as a friend i won't push it.</p>

<p>and about the pot.... haha, we were friends before either of us knew the other one did it, so it's not like it brought us together or sealed the friendship--it was just the cherry on top that made it extra awesome, considering how difficult it is to find people who smoke here.</p>

<p>Just imagine if you two did crack together...</p>

<p>He could just do her crack.</p>

<p>uhhh........ Am I supposed to be afraid? no crack for me. I only smoke things tha grow out of the ground--no lab made ***** for me!</p>

<p>HAPPY 4/20!</p>

<p>a mini update, we chilled today, and just sat and talked for about 40 minutes... it was awesome... I don't think he has any feelings for me that way, but I can tell he'll just be an awesome friend.</p>

HAPPY 4/20!


<p>I didn't realize we had Neo-Nazis on here.</p>

<p>Edit: I guess I should clarify this is a joke. The only significance 4/20 has for me is Hitler's birthday. Call me a retarded secularist, but I can't figure out what else today is...</p>

<p>uhhhh, no, I'm sure there never would have been the evil german era if hitler had just smoked some pot and put some music on...</p>

<p>So I seriously even need to say that 4/20 is the national day of pot? if not international.... well I had a good time.</p>

<p>For some people 4/20 is the birth of an important historical figure. For others it's an excuse to get lit up like the 4th of July.</p>

<p>Different strokes for different folks.</p>