Ugh - the admissions office

<p>I sent most of my stuff nearly two months ago, but the website still has almost all my credentials listed as missing - including the stuff I put in the same envelope as the application.</p>

<p>How long did it take them for to get you entering freshman’s credentials in order?</p>

<p>They're probably so busy getting all of their ducks in a row for freshman admissions notification that they haven't had time to update the website. You can always call them.</p>

<p>decisions are coming out in 8 days....whats taken u so long to figure out that you need to call them?</p>

<p>i had the same thing...and had to fax them my transcripts THREE times before it was updated on their website...i can visualize 3-4 copies of my whole application just lyin around in the admission office...</p>

<p>I have a friend who just found out last week that the majority of her harvard application was missing. she had an interview and everything, but had to fax everything i would certainly call.</p>