<p>Hey guys, for this spring I'm currently registered for UGS 303: Creative Problem Solving. However I'm also on the waitlist for UGS 302 Engr Biol: Biofuels To Biomed (planning to swap it with 303, but not sure yet).</p>
<p>Both of those classes have Writing flag, so that's not a problem. The reason I'm thinking of switching is because firstly, I'm in Chem Eng and the 302 is taught by a professor from my department. Secondly, the class 302 fits my schedule a bit better (303 ends a bit late, at 5 pm, and I don't really like late classes).</p>
<p>However my decision is not fixed yet. I wish to ask for those of you who have taken 303 Creative Problem Solving, how was the class? Is it hard? Is it useful and inspiring, or is it only something you take just because you are required to?</p>
<p>Thanks guys!</p>