UH 105 - Honors Mentoring

<p>Does anyone have any more details on UH 105 - Honors Mentoring other than what’s in the course catalog?</p>

<p>"Honors Mentoring provides the dedicated student with the intellectual opportunity to acquire the content knowledge and refine interpersonal skills necessary to effectively mentor at-risk elementary school students. It challenges students to look beyond their own perspectives, assumptions and experiences and embrace the interconnectedness of our society. "</p>

<p>Is this a course to prepare students to be a mentor or do they actually go and mentor kids? If they go, is there a specific time period that they go? </p>

<p>(And before anyone goes and tell me to search older threads, there are many, many threads about mentoring and honors classes but none specific to this class.)</p>

<p>Here’s a pretty decent link: [UH</a> 105 | Honors College](<a href=“http://honors.ua.edu/academics/honors-courses/uhsocial-behavioral/uh-105/]UH”>http://honors.ua.edu/academics/honors-courses/uhsocial-behavioral/uh-105/) with a bit more detail. Someone with experience with these classes can weigh in on the logistics. Some 105s are flexible (have hours you set yourself) and others are rigid (you have to do your mentoring at specific times). I was led to believe that a car is helpful, unless you can carpool with someone doing the same hours/location as you.</p>

<p>I forgot emerging scholars will be more hours next semester than it is this semester. I don’t think my S can fit this in after all - but it sounds great, and would finish up his last elective and give him 3 UH hours. Darn.</p>