UH 300 courses time consuming?

<p>How difficult/time consuming are the UH 300 Honors/Writing courses?</p>

<p>That depends.</p>

<p>Both of my boys took 300 Honors classes with the Writing designation. Certainly you have writing assignments because those are graded for writing proficiency. </p>

<p>Which ones are you asking about.</p>

<p>He is VERY slow at writing assignments. If the 300 courses require lengthy papers each class, then it is not for him</p>

<p>My son very much enjoyed his 300 honors writing class. He is not a paper writer, and although he did have to write papers for the class, I never heard him complain about it. And believe me, I would have heard about it.</p>

<p>In fact, he loved the books they read, and even though he was only required to read passages from Dante’s Trilogy, he read the whole trilogy. </p>

<p>He loved the class and the teacher, and he was very happy he took it, despite the fact that he had to write papers.</p>

<p>I would suggest taking one of these classes on a subject you’re interested in, not just one that fulfills a credit. Especially if your son is a STEM major, he will welcome the chance to use the other side of his brain.</p>

<p>Yup, he is a STEM major. He doesn’t need it to fulfill any Writing requirement. His Writing requirement will be fulfilled by courses he must take for his major.</p>

<p>He has no requirements to worry about due to AP or back credits. All UH courses will solely be based on subject interest.</p>

<p>Son is in same boat. He does need one humanities, but more honors than core, so he was searching for classes he was interested in. And indeed, that’s what you should do. College is the time to take something you’re interested in. Plenty of time to do things you have to do when out in the real world. Don’t let fear of papers scare you off from taking a class you’re genuinely interested in.</p>

<p>It is not just fear of papers – it is number of credits and ECs. He (and we) want to be sure he doesn’t stretch himself to thin before he gets his feet wet. He has a high school history of not realizing he is sinking until the quicksand is up to his eyeballs.</p>

<p>Back to M2CK – Looks like the top of my response was cut off – The course is a new course that was just opened this morning – Gossip and 21st Century Journalism.</p>

<p>Oh, I hear you. My son did, in fact, take his writing class during a 19 credit semester. It was fall of his third year, and he was running out of time getting those UH courses in. He did well in the class, and it didn’t cut into his other coursework. In fact, it helped bring up his GPA from the very rough engineering coursework he had that semester. </p>

<p>Since your son will have to take writing designated courses as part of his major, this will be a good way to get his feet wet writing again, after a long drought of STEM only classes. In fact, if he intends to go to grad school, or even do research, he’ll have to write admissions essays, progress reports for professors, statements of purpose, so it’s good to keep that side of the brain going.</p>

<p>Now, the question is, is he interested in Gossip and 21st Century Journalism? If not, then don’t take it. If it’s something he doesn’t enjoy, he could wind up with a lower grade and bring down his GPA. But if he likes that stuff, I say go for it! As you’re finding out, it is very hard to fit those honors classes into a STEM schedule, so grab it while you can!</p>

<p>My daughter is a ChemE major and signed up for the new class this morning, sounded fun to her!</p>

<p>Sounds like a good class for a guys to meet girls. Need to refer the people over on the matchmaking thread over to this one.</p>

<p>Sounds like a plan to me, as my good friend TXArchitect is rounding up the great TALL guys for her daughter, I’d like to throw my daughter in the mix . . . she’s gonna kill me!! She’s only 5’4", studious, going through recruitment, a ChemE & Spanish major . . . . yada yada yada!! LOL</p>