Incomplete Honors

<p>Son has taken 9 hours Honors classes in the 4 semesters at Bama. He will probably graduate next May. If he does not complete the 18 required hours, are there any problems? Or do they simply drop the Honors at graduation?</p>

<p>There will be no issues as he’ll be automatically disenrolled from UHP upon graduation. That said, if he has the required 6 hours in UH courses, the 9 credits he needs could be earned with 2 honors by contract courses and taking the graduate version of a 400-level course.</p>

<p>^ that</p>

<p>Tell me what you mean by the graduate version of a 400 level class?
Is the work different?</p>

<p>A lot of 400 level classes are also taught as 500 level classes, often at the same time and with the same professor. The 500 level courses will typically have an extra homework assignment or something to make them nominally more difficult and satisfy accreditation requirements.</p>

And sometimes their tests are longer…they may be given the same test as 400 level, but maybe an extra page of questions. That’s how it was for math 400/500.</p>

<p>Thank you for the input. He is pre-med and grades are going well, he will have to decide if he would rather complete honors, or protect the GPA. Another question… Am I correct that the W classes do not have to be in your major? </p>

<p>Some of UA’s colleges require that courses satisfying the Writing requirement be taught by their faculty. To the best of my knowledge, the College of Arts and Sciences will count any course with the Writing designation/attribute towards meeting the Writing requirement.</p>

<p>"Thank you for the input. He is pre-med and grades are going well, he will have to decide if he would rather complete honors, or protect the GPA. Another question… </p>

<p>Am I correct that the W classes do not have to be in your major?"</p>

<p>Yes, he can take W classes from the Honors College. I don’t know if he needs to get approval from his dept or not. </p>

<p>Yes, he must protect his GPA. :)</p>

<p>However, if he applies to med school his senior year, his acceptances will be based on his frosh - Jr year grades. So, keep that in mind and take any risky classes that last semester. He won’t get rescinded if he gets a B. </p>

<p>What is his major? </p>

<p>Biology major. There is an HHE class about drug behavior that looks like it fills W req that doesn’t sound too bad.
At this point it looks like he may graduate Spring 15… But not apply to med school until Fall 16. This is all going sooo fast. Taking MCAT this summer. Not sure what he wants to do with the gap year. </p>